Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dumb football fans want players to shut up about politicis (if its pro-gay of course)

We hear this same meme time and time again: football players should shut up about gay marriage. That is the typical moronic response from football fans to players like Kluwe and Ayanbedejo. Maybe if these fucknuts would have just let the courts deal with this issue instead, they wouldn't feel as if football is turning out to be "Glee on the field" and "cramming" it down "your throats." Had the Supreme Court been able to deal with this issue properly and just rule in favor of the constitutional mandate for allowing gay couples to marry a decade or so ago, we will never have heard of the likes of Kluwe and Ayanbedejo. And football analysts would be go back to using their on-screen markers to draw funny penises.

Yet here we are because initially this is what anti-gay marriage bigots demanded. And now crying that your virgin ears hurt every time a football player speaks in favor of gay marriage it is just simply a pathetic ploy of astronomical proportions.

Here is an example of a shit-for-a-brain dumb ass (ironically calling himself "smartman") who is demanding that all of this discussion about gay marriage be halted:

Unwanted media attention? I thought players wanted to all the attention. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought players join the NFL for money, pussy (or DL cock) and for the fame and not to be some dumb fat fuck yokel's puppet. Personally, as I am not a freak invested in football like some childish maniac living in his parents' basement looking like Baby Huey with a sweaty stained football jersey on while ranting on online in anonymous forums like a wimp, I don't really care if football players are homophobic or not, if they suck dick or beat up homos in the locker room or march with George Takei in the NYC gay pride parade. In fact, I am the least person to care what athletes have to say about anything. However, that isn't to say that they shouldn't be genuine and say what they want to say: they are entitled to that like everybody else. I realized that these players are not just mysterious cybernetic droids, they are at least humans, and we humans are in deed very expressive. But then the nacho and beer breaths in the stands don't want to know that players are human, you see, they only care to win because these idiots themselves are losers in real life and can only (mentally) win and feel like having accomplished something by living bi-curiously through a young male athlete who has in fact accomplished something (though I personally don't view football as any sort of an "accomplishment").

Oh, but if a meat-head player is against gay marriage, hurray!!! The "First Amendment Fairy" has waved her magic wand and bestowed upon that player the special power of being right by just opening his "big mouth." My mistake: its not a "big mouth" - it is now technically freedom of speech all of sudden. You see, the forefathers of our country died in bloody war so that fat ass Americans can gay bash a basketball player. How neat.

So next time when any football player opens his "big mouth" and talks about anything gay, both pro- and con-, would I be allowed to throw my pink stiletto shoe at him? Or would that make me a "homosfascist?"

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