Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rachel Maddow exposes Christian Jihadists invading pro-abortion church

 One would have thought that anti-abortionist terrorists were all about "religious freeeeeeeeeedom" and shit, well unsurprisingly the right wing fascist Christian Jihadists are not really for religious freedom if said church allows people who they disagree with to worship.

 These fascist terrorists known for murdering abortion doctors and bombing abortion clinics are now attacking other religions and evading their churches. Rachel Maddow exposes how these women haters disrupted a New Orleans Universalist Unitarian church mass because they dared to welcome people that support the women's right to have an abortion, and so like the real Mussolini black shirts that they are invaded the church, harassed and intimidate them and even started yelling at little kids at the church's nursery.

 So when you hear a right wing fascist proclaim "religious freedom" what they really mean is that their version of Christianity is the only acceptable freedom and anyone that goes against their Jihad will be subjected to extreme bullying, bombing and murder.

These terrorists need to be stopped.


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