Thursday, September 27, 2012

Social Conservative Stupidity 101: We Cost American Jobs

Downright stupid and illogical social conservatives always seem to brighten my day as I laugh at their sheer gullible stupidity.

Here we have one of their leaders, knuckle-head Linda Harvey, saying that gays have cost jobs:
The National Organization for Marriage just released a very interesting report about the companies that support homosexuality as marriage; they are paying a price, literally, and of course, when a company doesn’t do well that means jobs in America are lost. Here are the specifics: the marriage group quoted an article in Forbes which tried to soften the reality of their findings but the truth is companies that support same-sex marriage lose positive band perception among both Democrats and Republicans. This reputation-loss is more pronounced among Republicans but the consumer distaste goes across party lines. The brands that were studied included, American Apparel, Apple, General Mills Brands, Google, Home Depot, JC Penney, Levi’s, Macy’s, Microsoft, Nabisco, Nike and Starbucks. I don’t know about you but in our house of those mentioned above we no longer patronize Macy’s, Home Depot or JC Penney, we no longer order from Amazon and we no longer buy any General Mills cereals. Some of these companies may be seeing a downturn in sales, when that continues it can lead to layoffs and lost jobs.
Basically the hag is unknowingly admitting that since these companies have endorsed gay marriage and have pro-gay policies, social conservatives are so anti-gay and homophobic that they will refuse to do business with these companies.

If this is true (which I highly doubt, being that corporate brands are falling in popularity across the board and in particular oil companies), then that means these childish anti-gay reactionaries like Linda have no one else to blame but themselves for the apperant losses at these companies and the joblessness that has been created being that THEY are the ones who are promoting the death of these companies to suit their homophobic rhetoric.

Stupidity at its best.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DRUDGE, Reactionaries Totally Making 'God' a Big Deal Distraction

The right wing fanatics and reactionaries at Drudge are having a field day with the DNC's supposed removal of the word 'God' from their platform.

Drudge is trying to distract us from the most important facts about the DNC with this really stupid headline. It is stupid in several ways as it is these same reactionaries that say that platforms 'don't matter,' - this is true when the GOP has called gays a threat to the country in their own platforms. Their response (and the many gay reactionaries and right wing fanatics) is that although such language is 'bad' in the end these platforms mean shit and are not worth the paper they are printed on, so not to worry Betty!

I'm not a fan of the democrats, but neither am I fan of fanatical bullshit to stir the pot. Drudge, as in many times, is trying to read the news for you, instead of us the readers deciding if in fact people were 'booing' at putting God back in the platform at the Democratic Convention. 

Watch the video:

As you can see, the delegates that we see are mainly pro-Arab/pro-Palestinian who are mainly of the Muslim variety and who do believe in God. What any moron can see from the video and with the basic understanding of geopolitics, is that these delegates were having a fit over the inclusion of Jerusalem not God. If you are a right wing moron fanatic, you are failing to see that many people in the middle east and around the world do not want to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capitol for whatever reasons I really don't give a shit about.

The reactionaries have an Anti-American agenda and a sick fetish to support Israel at all cost, even if it destroys our country politically or financially. Their fanaticism over Israel is getting nauseating and I think we as Americans have had enough of this bullshit. We don't care about Israel. We need to get back to work and not be having these childish antics like fifth graders arguing over what is the capitol of which country. It is basically pointless at this juncture.

As far as God is concerned, well... What do I know? Nothing. God is something we humans are not able to understand, but maybe one day we will, however that time isn't now, and of course, it isn't here at DNC 2012. Come on. Whether or not God is in the Democratic platform is like arguing what shade our bible covers should be. God doesn't need vindication on platforms that both liberals and reactionaries agree are meaningless.

Oh remember this little tidbit?

And remember how the reactionaries (both gay and straight) were trying to explain away their own people booing at a gay soldier? "No, it wasn't at the gay soldier, it was at the question..." yada yada...