Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gay Republicans Support Paul Ryan Because of ONE Vote

The right wing reactionary Paul Ryan was selected as Mittens' Veep and the The Log Cabin Republicans are delighted, even though Paul Ryan wants to deny economic and fourth amendment rights to gay couples in the constitution, ban gays from adopting or raising their own children, and supported discrimination against gay soldiers. Yet somewhere in there the Log Cabin has found a reason to support Ryan. One single lonely reason: Ryan voted for ENDA.

Two points:

1) Paul Ryan will most certainly do a 180 on ENDA in order satisfy the right wing reactionary base who is most definitely opposed to such legislation and secure his 'solid conservative' image. Anybody voting for any pro-gay legislation is labeled as somebody who does not embody that image. We will see some form of flip-flopping or redaction. Mind you that Ryan will be speaking at the ultra-anti-gay convention 'Values Voters Summit' - a gathering of hardcore fascists and reactionaries who believe the government has the right to throw gays in jail. Yes, its that hardcore.

2) Here Log Cabin is being hypocritical and nonsensical. If you are willing to support a candidate because he only did one thing you support, you might as well support Obama who is still engaging in Bush-era policy of water boarding and war mongering. If you can find just one agreeable thing in common with Obama, then why not support his ass as well?

Pointing out Ryan's one lonely pro-gay action was, I think, a bad reason or justification for Log Cabin to endorse him, and a really stupid one at best. They should have just endorsed him by saying that he is the best right wing reactionary on the ticket and we like him because he hates the American system that we have and we agree with him that we should gut that system, regardless how many lives we lose in doing it.

Just be honest and say that Loggers. Jeez.