Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Teabaggers using Phil Robertson controversy to make money

Its becoming clearer to me that this whole Phil Robertson flop is nothing but a gimmick by the supposed Jesus-loving mud-dweller duck detective.

Not only are merchandise selling out and fattening the pockets of A&E execs (ironically, those meanies who dared suspend Super Jesus duck chaser Robertson) but also teabagger gold diggers are getting into the act.

Here we have an ad by the National Council for Freedom and Enterprise, a teabaggy Koch brother funded zombie group that is against big bad evil guvment' and protecting 'merica's constushion from teh gays:

The ad, which asks you to stand with poor multi-millionaire Phil and help him be on the show again, you know just like what the first amendment says (the A&E clause if you are wondering), then takes you to this 'petition':

Needless to say I used fake info on the petition form. But I come to find out that you can sign this petition with fake names and non-email characters and also interesting is that the Zip code doesn't even need to be real (I've entered '90666').

You click 'submit' and that takes you to this 'thank you' (as in thanks for submitting fake names to our fake petition that we claim we will send to A&E) page:

BUT you scroll down and...

...YES! Don't forget motherfuckers to give us an 'emergency' donation to stop teh gays from harassing poor Phil who has made tons of money from this controversy already.

LOL, and I wonder how many teabaggers have fallen for this scam. I bet quite a lot. The teabagger movement is quite a lucrative business I tell you that.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Today's Comment: Let's get this whole gay Chick-Fil-a issue STRAIGHT

Here is my latest comment on the issue of Chick-Fil-A and its dumb-fuck-o-rama of a president it has. I comment on a Bloomberg article that seems to take very lightly the real issues at hand regarding this inbred company and its redneck leader:

"This yahoo muppet supported a group that wanted to "export gays", called gay people pedophiles, wants gay people to become straight, harasses gay employees of other companies, bullies Christians who do not agree with them.

THAT was and is the problem with Fred Cathy Flintstone. He supports these ideas as he has financially backed these groups that support them. Wall Street hacks like Bloomberg are trying to paint this Chick-Fil-A issue over merely "disagreeing" with a Christian man's beliefs on "traditional marriage" - No, we are dealing with a man who has supported religious terrorism against the gay community. THAT is why we won't go and eat his chicken sandwiches, and I find it hilarious that the "free marketeers" and Wall Street ghouls are having a fit over gays and their supporters NOT wanting to do business with Chick-Fil-A, these are the same hacks who cry and moan that they want businesses to allow them to discriminate, to de-regulate them and so on, all in the name of "freedom" yet balk at the idea of gays choosing freely to not buy chicken sandwiches from Yokel Cathy. What they are now saying is that NOT buying a product from a person you find reprehensible somehow violates that person's "freedom of speech."

Yeah, right. You tea-fascists are masters of Orwellian manipulation and distortion"

Monday, November 11, 2013

When teabaggers say 'religious freedom' when talking gay rights they really mean this...

As in harassing gay couples at Walmart.

You see Tea-fascists and their reactionary allies want you and I to believe that gay rights will hurt or infringe their 'religious freedom.' One would assume how can two dudes getting married actually do that? How does a gay wedding actually stop someone from worshiping their invisible yet very angry and manic depressed sky god?

Well it doesn't. And those who disagree with reality, well what can we say: they are just lost causes. They are zealots who want and need a culture war against loving and caring people.

Teabagger's definition of religious freedom: the ability to expose your religious beliefs to people who are not interested in them, no matter how condescending, no matter how repulsive they are, and no matter how much we politely say 'no, thank you.'

In other words, they are not just fine with homo-erotically worshiping Jesus - they must, MUST convert you or me to their beliefs. If we do not submit to their demands then they would either try to make us feel bad by telling us we are going to burn in hell, persist on us until we surrender, or in many cases, legislate us until we submit to them.

I dunno about you but I am done with all of this religious terrorism. And that's what it is, terrorism and not freedom. Because gay couples have the freedom to believe that being gay is okay and not sinful and no other persistent little ugly troll like the stupid Walmart teabagger employee has a right to try to persuade you otherwise unless you are open to that persuasion.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weird confused lesbian Hawaiian lawmaker goes into a an incoherent rant as she votes against gay marriage

It seems that Hawaii lawmakers finally broke through the 'citizens filibuster' by right wing bigoted fanatics who had really fantastical views on homosexuality and gay marriage.

While the weird and totally bizarro-world psychotic diatribes of these so-called Christian wanna-be avengers that can make the God Hates Fags cult look tame, it gets even weirder as a confused lesbian legislator votes against the gay marriage bill that would no doubt benefit her and change her quality of life.

Her reason? Well how the fuck should I know.

 I mean her reason is as follows:
"First of all, I didn’t write it down. I really didn’t have time to prepare, because we pretty much went from hearings, hearings, hearings, go home, shower, sleep for three hours. But you really didn’t have time to process. Now we get into the hearing itself, make the decision. Now it’s ready to hit the floor. I really didn’t have any time to write anything down. 
I just decided I’ll take it as it goes. It was really how I was feeling, what was I internalizing from all the 57 hours of testimony. And not just in the room, but when you’re outside the room and seeing people waiting three, four days to stand up there for two minutes. That spoke volumes to me. People coming back day after day, waiting for their chance when they got missed. 
When I stepped into this position, as an appointee in January 2011, I felt I wasn’t worthy of being here. Because you’ve got lawyers, really brilliant people with huge college degrees. And this and that—whew, I’m just Jo from Waianae and I’ve got some street smarts and a fast mouth. When I walked in here, I said, all I have is my integrity, to do my best I can. And I’ve kept myself grounded in that. When this issue started arising, I had to think to myself, you need to stay grounded in what your root beliefs are. I’ve won an election, and sworn to uphold the constitution of the state as well as the United States. You have an obligation to this institution. You really have to think differently, because you are being watched and it is a position that you need to respect even while sitting in your seat. 
I always have taken my personal hat off, my personal beliefs away from it, and said, "Look at the substance, what is the measure, have you heard all the dialogue, have you vetted everything? Have all your questions been answered? And are you willing to make a decision for the 1.4 million people in the state?" For your constituents, but also for the whole state. 
I know who I am, I’m grounded in who I am, I’ve never hid who I am. And when I walked in this door, the GLBT community came knocking on my door and they said, "We’re so glad you’re here. Come on in here." And I’m like, “I’m Jo, I’m a legislator, those are my hats first.”
I know what it meant to step in this room for a kid from Waianae, who graduated from public school, who has no background, to be a female and to be GLBT on top of that. And I didn’t want to come up the gate saying, "Look at me, here I am." Because it would distract from anything that I worked on. I have never waved my flag. I don’t wear it across my chest. 
They were very good at respecting that. And even last year, when they engaged. Let’s vet some bills last November. I saw some stuff I wasn’t pleased with; it was more like, a national group coming down. And that’s when you start tearing at my other side. We don’t need a lot of Mainlanders coming and telling us what we gotta do. And you’ll hear that going on. I said, "You know what, I’m here with my legislative hat, not my personal hat. You guys move forward with whatever you’re doing, and I don’t want to be a participant in that." I stepped out of it. 
As DOMA [section] 3 fell, I was like, this is going to be big. Many of the larger groups, Equality Hawaii and national groups came to me, when stuff started bubbling up, and the governor called the special session. Then it came: "We want you to attend this meeting. We want you to be the face." I was honest with them: "That’s not what I want to do." 
I’m a legislator first and foremost, and I’m not here to promote your pride. I’ve got to do my duty first and I don’t want to seem biased. And they had respectfully said, "OK, cool."
It’s about your work. Vet all the issues, put your personal stuff aside and let’s see where we’re going with this measure. 
I’m choosing not to look at the news, but I hear I’m being blasted pretty bad.
As soon as I got off the floor, probably within the first half hour… (makes explosion noises) I want to have faith that it’s the Mainland and it’s not here. I’m like, "You don’t know who I am, No. 1, because obviously you weren’t in those hearings." 
I totally thought I was going to get blasted by the religious community. When I walked into the hearings, I was like, those faith-based guys are going to come out. And not one of them said anything. They were more about, "Thank you, thank you for listening." And they didn’t know who I was. Outside, I was Rep. Jordan sitting at the table. They had no idea who I was, or my lifestyle, and that’s why I like it. Can we get to know each other before you know the rest of the stuff? 
I was blasted by the GLBT community on Saturday, outside the door. That took me aback. At the time, I hadn’t stated my position, and I was still undecided. These were testifiers the day before, saying, “How can you be undecided? You should be a 'yes.' Do you know what this means?” And I politely engaged with them: "I have some problems with SB1." I explained the issues and they slammed me again. “It’s good. Just vote yes.” They started getting boisterous. My natural instinct is, I’m going to fly some words at you. But you can’t, so I’m like, "Thank you." 
It has been interesting. I am not part of any faith-based group, so I walked in thinking those were going to be the ones going, grrrr, grrrr. But unfortunately, it’s been coming from my community during the hearing. I was like, “Wow, so much for minorities that have been suppressed.” But I’ve got to look at it this way: Maybe they feel they’ve been suppressed for so long that they no longer can contain it and they are just going to lash out at anything without thinking first. But I have to keep that faith to help me not take it personally. It’s not about who is right and who is wrong. It’s about, are we creating a measure that meets the needs of all? 
I had come to the decision that SB1 needed to amended. It wasn’t protective enough for everybody. And I truly know, my GLBT community is not going to go somewhere where they are not welcome. They are not going to go, "Pastor, you need to marry us, even though it is against your grain." Because they want their happy day to be a happy day. A couple isn’t going to step into something that’s not warm and welcoming. We’re really looking at those fringe guys, those ones that pop up on the edges that say, "You’re treading on my rights, so I’m going to come and challenge you." 
When you look at a measure, you have to consider, how do we make this the golden standard, as bulletproof as possible? My major concerns on SB1 was, first, the parental maternal rights, 57-2c, that wasn’t healthy. That definitely needed to be fixed. The religious exemption was not adequate enough. And the divorce portion in there is not fair. We’re talking about creating equity. They have made a provision here where you don’t have to domicile here. And I totally get what they’re saying, but I have some serious problems with that. We should at least make some sort of domicile in our state, so they can file for divorce here. 
I really am not happy with the exemptions. Too narrow. 
I’m not here to protect the big churches or the little churches, I’m saying we can’t erode what’s currently out there. We don’t want to scratch at the religious protections at all, because if we don’t create a measure that’s bulletproof, or as close to bulletproof as possible, then the measure will go to the courts. And they will interpret it however that may be. A judge will make assumptions and make a ruling, and that will become the law of the land. So you really want us to create the legislation. 
I haven’t figured out why I felt so compelled to fight for the religious exemptions, to not erode Constitutional rights. I don’t belong to any particular denomination. I don’t wear one of those hats. I take religion out of everything. My religion is the mountain, the aina and spiritual. Everybody finds their own religion somewhere. I have the same values as they do, but it’s just a little different. When I walked into this session, that rose to the surface. Why me? Why am I trying to protect your religious rights? 
I’m still trying to figure out. I’ve always followed paths. I don’t find the path. The path finds me. This, obviously, is a path I’m supposed to go. You’re not supposed to question. Just ‘OK.’ 
At the end of the day, the way SB1 HD1 is written right now, walking into the third reading I can’t say it is written the best that we can provide to all. If that’s at the risk of not allowing same-gender couples to get married on Dec. 2, I can’t stop that, I’m sorry. We want to make sure it’s good. It’s not about who gets to the finish line first. It’s just not."
Did you get that?

Me neither.

She seems like one of those confused dykes that would blow a gay guy, well I dunno why, but she would I tell ya... And her explanation would be as long and as incoherent that it would make a lunatic homeless shouting obscenities at a street corner while selling pencils from a cup be viewed as prime for a debate at Oxford.

Meanwhile, all kidding aside, the only thing I can gather from Miss Mess is that she was probably blackmailed by the right wing fascistoids. God know what shenanigans she is up to that would expose her to political blackmail.

Maybe she was caught giving a blowjob to a gay teen in her car at the airport?

Or its probably typical political bribery, or blackmail. Nothing new here. Keep moving folks nothing to see here.

I mean she had no choice but to vote AGAINST a bill that would change her life for the good, is supported by 3/4 of her district, is supported by a majority of Hawaiians, and its clearly something her constituencies wanted her to support. We are supposed to believe that she has 'concerns' over religious exemptions and other items on the bill, yet she never once attended a meeting while the bill was being drafted and written. She was basically M.I.A. and we are supposed to believe that her concerns are truly genuine and so strong enough that it merited for the first time ever in the history of politics that an openly gay politician to vote against gay marriage.

Oh, did I mention blackmail?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Is Dan Savage a genocidal psychopath?

While on Aussie television the faggot (before you eek on my usage of the word 'faggot' we have to remember that Dan has broken down the barriers of such use of language as he also has the habit of calling other gays 'faggots' as well) was asked about what dangerous idea he would propose. The answer he gave: forced abortions.

I am one of many of little winnie Savage's critics in the gay community for his absurd antics, hypocritical stupidity, and downright narcissistic condescending see-through nature that has, in my belief, made the situation worst for many other gay people.

Being a self appointed 'Representative' of the gay community who has made his career and name for himself by pretending that his superficial expressions and cliche montages like the so-called 'It Gets Better' project will save suicidal gay teens from a dismal selfish end, his quite bizarre behavior while being the gay UN Secretary General in front of the mainstream international media has indeed caused many people, many people who we need their support in the pursuit of rights, to squirm in their living room recliners. Which then begs the question: do all gay guys act like him?

Please, please. Please.

No. The answer is no. The little winnie speaks for himself, and for his loyal brainless cult followers who should know better.

My problem with the little winnie faggot in Chief of the UN of the gay world is that in his world, in his mind in particular, he actually thinks that he's always fucking right: that people adore him, and that the gay community worships him and his carbon footprint because he is our all-knowing gay god who was miraculously resurrected  right after a three-day death orgy spell.

There is nothing wrong with being nasty, in fact many of you may already know how nasty I get. But pretending to be a master of psychology, and the super-hero leader for gay rights activism when in reality you are just a nasty person like myself and no better than a foul mouth like myself, all you are doing is being a great disservice to the cause he claims to adore, where nasty little bigoted foul mouths like Dan and me don't belong at all.

Dan and his ilk are a dangerous breed because they cannot by all means just be satisfied with writing their rants on a blog or a book, but they are trying to actually affect people's real lives and religiously proselytizing to these vulnerable people (suicidal teens) a false hope that the world will change because in Dan Savage's mind it will change without any regard to specifics. Offering delusions to these people instead of a referral to the nearest counselor or psychiatrist is one of the most offending miscreant behaviors of a delusional charismatic false prophet that I have ever seen ever since Joseph Smith.

So when he's asked what idea he thinks of as 'dangerous' the above paragraph should have suffice as an answer. Dan's fake responses to real life or death issues are dangerous in of themselves, whether we talk about the macro of world population control, or the micro yet as important individual lives of teens with emotional issues.

It seems to me that Savage does not really care for gay teens, or life in general for that matter. Now for clarity: I am for a woman's right to choose (ie have an abortion or keep the baby). His revelation on Aussie TV that he is not really 'pro-choice' but he's 'anti-choice' in his answer to the question posed to him either tells me that he's a sinister psychopath who has no connection to his and/or other people's humanity or he's a psychopathic liar, or both. He either genuinely doesn't believes that life is precious and kids should not kill themselves because homophobes bully them, or like his Twitter handle suggests he is just a typical snake-oil bullshitter. He's not really 'pro-choice' he says. He's now all for a China-style mandatory abortions against all women regardless of their choice all in the name of 'population control' the gay community and I are learning.

Or maybe like all the other times he's just being himself and is just bullshitting.

Or maybe his true feelings about humanity itself are now in full display and they have penetrated his austere screen of utter bullshit.

Either way genocidal maniacs and psychopaths, whether they bullshit us or not, should not be in the position of authority of telling the rest of us, and in particular gay teens, how to solve our everyday problems.

I don't pretend to know the solutions to the world's problem because sometimes I don't know, and there is no need to lie unless you are looking for attention.

I don't know. I am being honest. I don't know.

But if winnie Savage is being honest, and he really wants forced abortion to 'solve' overpopulation (instead of solving the problem of resource management and production as I propose as opposed to Savage's dumb abortion idea) then what his thesis proposes is that humanity itself is the problem and not the solution. Meaning, the less humans exist the better mother earth would be. If that is the case, Dan, then why the fuck do you want gay teens not to kill themselves?

In fact, if overpopulation is a such a huge problem why not help by starting with yourself. Why don't you kill yourself to help end overpopulation.

But why would the bullyvengelical who has made a career in stopping suicide commit suicide in the end? He wont. Not because he's a hypocritical coward, though that is part of it, but because even he doesn't believe his own bullshit. So then, one must ask: why should already annoyed bullied gay teens take this dumbfuck seriously in the first place?

(Watch Dan Savage say we need forced abortions after the jump...)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today's comment: The 'homophobic' Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure at Universal Studios is NOT satire, just a not-so funny drunken improv high school warm up scene

In today's thoughtful comment on the internets, I react to the news that Universal Studios Hollywood has nixed this homophobic show:
I remember doing a gay satire that I wrote for my college theater troupe, it was called 'Undercover Homo: West Hollywood's Man of Mystery' that mocked james bond, John Travolta, Monica Lewinsky, Bill Nye the science guy, and the theater faculty chair. It was hilarious because it was basically unique, while this Bill and Ted show is just using horrible yet boring cliches of times past recited by childish untalented overpaid lazy writers. I don't find this offensive at all because of the supposed homophobic content, I find it offensive because it is a direct insult to the art of satire.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today's comment: Transgender potties and "privacy"

This is a comment I made on an article regarding how some people are having a fit over the transgender student law in California that allows transgender students to use the restroom, locker rooms, and other PE facilities that corresponds with their gender identity.
"I am sorry, but when you run around in your tighty whities in the PE locker room with other people this whole concept of "privacy" goes out the window. Some people are totally hypocritical on "privacy" issues, they will rave about their meaningless emails and texts being read but yet do not hesitate to put themselves out there on internet boards, chat room, and social media. I am fully aware that my "privacy" is being limited once I log on to the internets but I am okay with it because it is a risk I am willing to take because my life is not that extraordinary. Same thing goes with this transgender potty issue. 
The reactionaries need to understand that once you undress at a public facility like a locker room and not YOUR bedroom or YOUR own shower you are relinquishing your right to any dubious claim of privacy. I for one preserve my privacy in this regard by NOT undressing in these facilities but rather doing that home. Yes, sometimes I come home stinking like a wet nutsack from the gym, but that is what I prefer than undressing in front of strangers. You people who object to this law are sounding pathetically stupid being that you DEMAND privacy while undressing in front of others."

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hey GLAAD listen up: Trayvon Martin protester says this is 'not about no gay shit!'

Just to let you know, the zombie organization GLAAD is joining other 35 gay orgs in a race baiting letter seeking 'justice' for Trayvon Martin.

In my previous post I expose Trayvon for the homophobe that he is, and how he's homophobia led to his demise.

And now I bring you this hardcore Trayvon-tard protester at a rally who after hearing an LGBT activist talk about being in solidarity with the blacks on seeking 'justice' for Trayvon she unleashed a fascist homophobic dither:
“I would just like to say, this is not about no damn LGBT, it ain’t about none of that bullshit about that sir, I’m sorry. This is about a black kid getting shot down because he was black, not no gay shit. None of that!”

You hear that GLAAD?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

'Creepy-ass cracker' Zimmerman a free man after shooting homophobe Trayvon Martin

There is an onslaught of outrage directed at yesterday's verdict finding George Zimmerman innocent of murder after shooting to death a young black man Trayvon Martin.

Well, these folk should take Obama's advice and shove their outrage into a pipe and smoke it (and by all appearances some of these 'protesters' look like they wouldn't mind taking a hit from the old pipe themselves).

I am for the most part pleased with the overall process and outcome. Those who are yelling and screaming like mental patients about how Trayvon was deprived of justice need to have their heads examine and possibly sent to the loony bin. These idiots seem to forget that indeed Zimmerman was arrested, indicted, charged, tried in court by a jury of his peers. The prosecution presented their evidence, although weak and stupid and baseless that it was, nonetheless Trayvon did get his day in court.

What justice has been deprived? We've had a trial. Court dates, hearings, and cross-examinations were done on Trayvon's behalf. What else does this craze mob want? Whatever it is, its not justice, but rather vengeance. And to see gay people jump on the bandwagon for Trayvon is really pathetic and one of the most stupidest things I've ever seen.

During the trial Trayvon's girlfriend testified how Trayvon depicted Zimmerman, who some say was 'stalking' Trayvon. She stated quite interestingly that she told Trayvon to be careful and that maybe Zimmerman was a gay man who would like to rape him.

After I heard her testimony I had no doubt why Trayvon was dead: his own homophobia did him in. What I got from her testimony was that Trayvon was not all happy that Zimmerman might be interested in buggering him. In essence, Trayvon thought that Zimmerman was another 'faggot' that was checking him out and of course, being the typical hip-hopper 'no homo' thug that he really was, he confronted Zimmerman. Trayvon's depraved homophobia was so great he failed to really analyze his situation. He failed to see that Zimmerman was in fact not a gay man out to try and have butsecks with him (although I keep hearing rumors that Z is in fact bisexual, but I will touch on that later on), but on the contrary was there because he was the neighborhood watch captain and he was not 'checking him out' but rather trying to figure out if Trayvon was 'up to no good.'

During the conversation with his girlfriend he described Zimmerman as a 'creepy-ass cracker.' Experts in racism tried to defend the racial tone of the term in saying that reverse racism in black culture is different than the historic racism against blacks by whites. In fact, I tend to believe these experts. One of them is actually an old professor of mine from college who I had in one of my courses who also teaches African American studies. I talked to him briefly about Trayvon's little zinger against Zimmerman and what it all meant. According to him and others I've been hearing talking about this zinger, 'creepy-ass cracker' is a somewhat a popular term withing some black urban social circles to describe a gay white male. However, according to my professor, the term is rather more focused on the gay part than the racial one. Evidently 'no homo,' 'faggot,' 'bitch,' are not the only terms used by blacks to oppress gay people.

Trayvon confronted Zimmerman because he thought he had to do something about these 'creepy-ass crackers' and to prove to himself and his hyper-masculine, self-delusional, cultural ego that he was 'the man' and he was going to teach this 'faggot' a lesson.

According to cops and some witnesses, they report that Trayvon was actually spewing anti-gay slurs at Zimmerman while he was pounding his head on the concrete. Though not adequately proving in court, these reports are only drawing an ugly picture of this 'poor little kid.' Though ugly as it is, the homophobia theory is in fact a really good one, and without a doubt, Trayvon's homophobia was more at play here than whatever racism Zimmerman had (which he didn't).

And to blast Zimmerman for trying to protect his neighborhood from thugs, crooks, and criminals is really outrageous. Sure, Trayvon was not committing a crime per say, but we have to understand that Zimmerman's neighborhood had been plagued by crime before this incident. Zimmerman was well within the law to follow Trayvon and report him to the police. Call it 'racial profiling' if you will, but I really doubt that Zimmerman was after Trayvon because he was a black dude. Sine everybody is coming up with 'what ifs' about this case, I would propose the following: what if Trayvon was wearing a suit or a tux, or a nice pair of slacks and a dress shirt, instead of a hoodie? I would be inclined to say that Zimmerman would have never given him a second look because he doesn't look like those criminal thugs that have plundered the neighborhood.

And how about this? If Trayvon was not homophobic and was secure with himself and just ignore Zimmerman he would have gone on his way without anything transpiring. Or, if he had to have contact with Zimmerman, a simple 'hello' just to ease the tension would have lead to a different outcome. But, it seems to me that Trayvon's aggressive homophobic nature got the best of him and the situation went awry quite quickly. Remember, homophobes tend to be aggressive and very protective of their own 'self image' that when they feel 'threatened' by a supposed homosexual a lot of bad things tend to happen.

Zimmerman should not be lynched by the public or the media. He was tried and a jury with all the evidence presented found him innocent. We should all respect the law and our courts whether we agree with the decision or not. We as gays cannot demand that anti-gays respect court decisions they don't like while at the same time lambasting this jury for fulfilling their duties to society. The dummies who say Zimmerman 'crossed the line' do not know anything about protecting neighborhoods; maybe that attitude could be attributed to the fact that many of these Trayvon-tards do not either have problems in their local communities, or if they do have problems in their neighborhood they simply don't care and to some extent a minority of them are encouraging disharmony within communities (as in 'no justice, no peace'). The inclination to protect one's home and neighborhood is a basic organic human instinct.

Take for instance the recent anti-gay hate crime wave in New York city. We are getting reports of gays in those communities actually doing what Zimmerman was accused doing that night: standing up and protecting their neighborhood. We've had inventions of gay superheroes who are patrolling the streets of Manhattan, gays forming neighborhood watch groups and escorting each other through the dark streets at night. I guess you can say that these kids were trying to be 'wanna-be cops' like Zimmerman. And I bet there is a gay Zimmerman in NYC right now 'stalking' a suspicious looking man, and yes he may even profile him according to the apparent characteristics (and they are not racial) of previous perps who have assaulted and killed the many gay men in the area. In other words, if Zimmerman did exactly the same thing at the gay village in NYC it wouldn't be news (maybe on Towleroad but that's about it), ironically many of the same gays I seen on TV protesting Zimmerman would have praised him for keeping the streets of NYC safe for gay people.

Speaking of NYC and justice. What about justice for the gay black man who was shot dead in the face? Why no media sensation? Why no outrage from the black community? In that incident there was clear evidence of bias and hatred. The victim was not wearing a hoodie or anything to make him look like a criminal thug, he was a normal looking handsome gay black guy. Yet he's shot dead and I hear crickets from the blacks. Could it be because the victim was a gay man that the black community didn't want to touch this with a forty-foot poll? -- I'll leave the readers of this post to answer that question.

Lastly, the whole hoodie nonsense needs to stop. This juvenile charade only further proves that race wasn't a factor but rather culture and fashion was. The way that Trayvon was dressed fits the typical description of a thug that is venerated by the hip-hop music industrial complex. The same industrial complex that exploits black men by glorifying thuggery, robbery, drug use, rape, homophobia, violence, and the like. And in the end Zimmerman was not alarmed by a black man, but he was fighting against what that glorification represented: a threat to his community. He was not protecting his community from a race, but rather from a fad and a destructive ideology that typically involves young men (and it is also interesting to note that Zimmerman is being charged as a racist and not a sexist as he was profiling a man rather than a woman) doing some hard time in jail and being proud of that. Crime is nothing to be proud of, so off with the hoodies please. There are way bigger issues that we need to deal with that go beyond Trayvon and the lone neighborhood watchman.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reactionary 'Christian' rages over supposed 'homosexual assault' on his religion

He rages like a complete lunatic here.

Conviniently titled 'The Homosexual Assault on Religious Freedom" the loon dithers and complains that gays are out to get him and his beliefs. Oh please give me a damn break teabagger.

This country is seriously fucked up because of morons like him who rave about non-existent "assaults" that only exist in their heads and ignore the real problems of our country and society.

Oh but please: don't we dare talk about real physical assaults against homosexuals by crazed thugs who think that being gay is a sin against God, and that its okay to bash gays. Yeah, lets not talk about those assaults. Right teabagger?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

New Gay Pride debit card, pretty cool

Hey peeps,

Its the season for pride, as in LGBT pride month, and many around the country and the world will be showing their pride. Going to pride - especially if its your first time - is always a great experience.

As many of you have been noticing, going to pride events is getting a little hefty on our gay wallets. If you're going to spend those big pink dollars why not do it with pride?

I been using the new Pride debit card from Card.com. It's sweet, and its fabulous. Show it off to your buddies this pride season and the rest of the world that our pink dollar MATTERS! Not only can you use it at pride, but it can be used like any other debit card. You can reload it, take out cash at any ATM around the world, and also use it as a credit card anywhere VISA is accepted. And heck, you can also add direct deposit from you employer (or that free Obama socialist disability check that is all the rave at Teabagger rallies).

Get the new Pride VISA debit card here.

And don't forget to shove it down the throat of the next anti-gay baker who refuses to sell you and your undocumented fiance Ramon a wedding cake. Give that teabagger the finger and tell him that you are too proud to use the Pride VISA debit card with flaky homophobes like him. Remember, our pink dollar is worth something and there will always be real nice good bakers who will be PROUD to swipe the card and bake you and Ramon the gay wedding cake of that will make RuPaul's queens fume with bridal jealousy.

My grocer did (and he gave me that 'look,' if you know what I mean - another added plus of using this card).

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What's wrong with blaming blacks for their slaughter on Illinois gay marriage bill?

Is it racist? Is it taboo? Is it the hypocrisy that dare not speak its name?

Please, give me a damn break.

Black people wanted equality, so why can't we blame all who are equally as responsible for the downfall of gay marriage in Illinois?

The radical do-nothings of the Left are as bad as the teabaggers if not worse. Their mode of operation is treachery, lies, deceit, and fraud.

We were promised a vote on giving green cards to bi-national couples in the up coming immigration reform bill, yet the Left were so eager to stab gays in the back and voted with the reactionary bigoted fascistoid teabaggers of the Republican Party instead. And the Left had the audacity to demand that gays step aside and to let illegal immigrants cut in line in front of them even though most gays seeking this right are obeying the law.

And so we have Illinois democrats who shamefully showed us yet again the true treacherous nature of their innate borderline lunatic dysfunction. They demand to be known for their "support" for "equality" yet when it came down to it they actually, as by unintelligent design, voted against the gay community last night. But heck, not a problem. There are plenty of pussy gay activists out there ready to excuse this failure and shield those who are in no doubt responsible for this failure, especially if they happen to be black.

Martin Luther King said that we should not judge blacks based on their color but based on their actions. But yet we are denied that basic equalizer.

As a Mexican I been giving my people heat whenever they fall into the homophobe dungeon. I yell at them and poke them until they learn that what they are doing is completely wrong. And it works. Its actually beginning to work with regard to immigration reform, as some Mexican activists are seeing that brushing gays aside is not going to help their cause one bit, but will end up doing the opposite effect.

We have already called out Latinos, Asians (remember the OC Tet parade fiasco), Irish, Catholics, Cubans, all of these groups have responded positively to the error of their ways. We call out white Evangelicals and teabaggers, all of whom continue to hate gays. Oh well.

But the slide of hand that is being played against the gay community by the Black Caucus in Illinois is just so pathetic. The blacks want it both ways. They want to be viewed as "progressives" yet satisfy their inner hunger to bash gays for their sinful and satanic ways. And what is worse is that calling these people out is now considered "racist" - why? Because they are black, that's why.

Calling out Mexicans, white teabaggers, Asians, Cubans, Latinos, is considered not as offensive, but most of the time encouraged. But blacks... they are a special kind of race. They are still living under their own self imposed Jim Crow of the 21st century. They are so detached from reality and the rest of society that they refuse to come out of their little afro-bubble and assume responsibility like real men who actually feel equal to anybody else. The childish pseudo-hyper masculinity in black culture is nothing but a rejection of equality, as well as a rejection by black men to take responsibility for what they do to others. Not only one must claim equality, one must also act upon it, assimilate with the rest of society on basic principles, and assume all the privileges and responsibility that comes with being equal to others, because once you are on the same footing with someone else you are no more special than them. 

We are not calling out blacks because we like to pick on them. We are calling them out because they are making a really big mistake in thinking that denying gay people their due equal rights will not come back and bite them in their black asses. It will. And I am calling them out so as to save them from future embarrassment.

So how can trying to save blacks form their own mistakes be at all "racist?"

The teabagger bubble: Typical response to gay issues

On wedding cakes:
Teabagger: Business has a right to discriminate against anybody.
Gay:  Okay fine, I will own a business and I will fire anybody that does not agree with gay wedding cakes.
Teabagger: You fascist Moaist heterophobe! We have first Amendment right to a job while spouting anti-gay rage. If you want your own sodomite wedding cakes open up your own "GAY" bakery!
 Gay: Okay fine, I will open up my own bakery that only bakes for gay weddings.
 Teabagger: NO! You're making Jesus cry! Its an abomination! Stop shoving your lifestyle down our throats!
Gay: Fine I will bake my own wedding cake.
Teabagger: You're probably using Obama food stamps, I don't want my tax dollars (which I don't pay) going to subsidize sin... sooo NO!
Gay: No I will be using my own money that I got from working for your business.
Teabagger: I didn't know I had a sodomite working for me. You're FIRED! And its my first amendment right to fire anybody who disagrees with MY world view.
 On gay athletes coming out:
Teabagger: Can he just keep it to himself? Why do we need to know he packs fudge?
Gay: But he is just speaking out, like other athletes that speak about their religious beliefs and their personal lives.
Teabagger: He's just an Obama bot fascist communist pinko Maoist sodomite who is after my guns! This is just more gay propaganda!
 Gay: And Tebow was then just more 'Christian propaganda?'
 Teabagger: NO! He was doing what the Constitution tells him to do: love Jesus who invented Football! We Christians have a right to speak out against homosexual propaganda.
Gay: Is Jesus a man? That's strange. I thought a man loving another man was, you know, sin?
On gay marriage:
Teabagger: Marriage is for a man to marry a woman who was created by Jesus Christ for man's enjoyment. You homosexuals can call your "union" something else, but NOT marriage.
Gay: But doesn't the First amendment guarantee freedom of speech? Why can't I use the word "marriage." 
Teabagger: Because! ... It makes Jesus cry!
Gay: Okay fine, let's have civil unions.
Teabagger: NO! Its against our state Constitution...
Gay: But you said we can call our "marriage" something else.
Teabagger: GET OFF MY LAWN HOMO!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hey I thought football players were supposed to just "shut up" and play football

That is according to drooling hardcore mindless football fans.

They tell us that players like Kluwe and Ayanbedejo should 'shut up' about homosexuality and just throw that damn ball and spank your teammates butt cheeks in celebration.

Will we see the same reaction at this NY Jets player who basically couldn't wait to tell NY Daily News that homosexuality is wrong?:
“According to the scriptures, and God’s law, homosexuality is wrong. The act is wrong,” Davis said. “I’ve got homosexuals in my family who I love to death. I’ve got drunks in my family. I’ve got people who have premarital sex in my family. And I don’t agree with any of those things, but I still love and respect those people.”
So you show respect to people by calling them a bunch of drunks and adulterers? Nice. Yeah, maybe this dumb typical homophobic football player should just take his fans' advice and just SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dumb football fans want players to shut up about politicis (if its pro-gay of course)

We hear this same meme time and time again: football players should shut up about gay marriage. That is the typical moronic response from football fans to players like Kluwe and Ayanbedejo. Maybe if these fucknuts would have just let the courts deal with this issue instead, they wouldn't feel as if football is turning out to be "Glee on the field" and "cramming" it down "your throats." Had the Supreme Court been able to deal with this issue properly and just rule in favor of the constitutional mandate for allowing gay couples to marry a decade or so ago, we will never have heard of the likes of Kluwe and Ayanbedejo. And football analysts would be go back to using their on-screen markers to draw funny penises.

Yet here we are because initially this is what anti-gay marriage bigots demanded. And now crying that your virgin ears hurt every time a football player speaks in favor of gay marriage it is just simply a pathetic ploy of astronomical proportions.

Here is an example of a shit-for-a-brain dumb ass (ironically calling himself "smartman") who is demanding that all of this discussion about gay marriage be halted:

Unwanted media attention? I thought players wanted to all the attention. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought players join the NFL for money, pussy (or DL cock) and for the fame and not to be some dumb fat fuck yokel's puppet. Personally, as I am not a freak invested in football like some childish maniac living in his parents' basement looking like Baby Huey with a sweaty stained football jersey on while ranting on online in anonymous forums like a wimp, I don't really care if football players are homophobic or not, if they suck dick or beat up homos in the locker room or march with George Takei in the NYC gay pride parade. In fact, I am the least person to care what athletes have to say about anything. However, that isn't to say that they shouldn't be genuine and say what they want to say: they are entitled to that like everybody else. I realized that these players are not just mysterious cybernetic droids, they are at least humans, and we humans are in deed very expressive. But then the nacho and beer breaths in the stands don't want to know that players are human, you see, they only care to win because these idiots themselves are losers in real life and can only (mentally) win and feel like having accomplished something by living bi-curiously through a young male athlete who has in fact accomplished something (though I personally don't view football as any sort of an "accomplishment").

Oh, but if a meat-head player is against gay marriage, hurray!!! The "First Amendment Fairy" has waved her magic wand and bestowed upon that player the special power of being right by just opening his "big mouth." My mistake: its not a "big mouth" - it is now technically freedom of speech all of sudden. You see, the forefathers of our country died in bloody war so that fat ass Americans can gay bash a basketball player. How neat.

So next time when any football player opens his "big mouth" and talks about anything gay, both pro- and con-, would I be allowed to throw my pink stiletto shoe at him? Or would that make me a "homosfascist?"

Monday, May 6, 2013

Transgender lesbian Justin Bieber reportedly attacked on stage in Dubai

before justin's sex-change
I guess some some dude is really into transgender lesbian singer Justin Bieber that he forget one thing: she's a LESBIAN! Oh, yeah, and there are security guards all around her too.

Didn't Bieber get a peni-plasti? Reportedly her cock works, and she can pee standing up while using it too. That's not her only talent though. Besides warding off gay guys who want to hug her (like in the video below) she can also continue to sing even when her lips are not moving while escaping the attack.

Air Force officer in charge of sex abuse prevention charged with sexual assault

Yup, you read that right.

A heterosexual Air Force officer who is in charge of sex abuse prevention within that service has been charged with sexual battery and assault after groping an innocent woman like a dog mauling on a piece of meat:
The incident happened just after midnight Sunday when a drunken Krusinski allegedly approached the woman in a parking lot in Arlington, Va., and grabbed her breasts and buttocks, according to a police report.
Police said the woman fought off her assailant and scratches can be seen on Krusinski’s face in his mug shot.
He was charged with sexual battery and held in lieu of a $5,000 unsecured bond, the police report said.
Remember, all the repukes and teabaggers were foaming at the mouth saying that if homos were allowed to serve openly in the military there will be an uptick of sexual assaults and homos trying to rape poor innocent breeders like the punk in the above mugshot.

Yup, these homos are tearing our armed forces down with all of their man-butt raping.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Is Jason Collins a hero?

Yes and no.

Yes if you are a gay basketball player, and especially if you are still in high school and you are constantly reminded by people around you in society that being gay is a 'sin' and 'morally wrong.' To them Collins is a god sent blessing from heaven which one could argue that he's coming out may have saved some few lives from potential self-harm and suicide.

This is, of course, not a sexual issue but rather a sports issue. I really don't care much for sports at all, well... because 'I have a life.' Sorry no offense. Jason Collins only revealed his sexual orientation not exactly what sexual positions he likes, how big his dick is, or if he's a top or a bottom. Some of us need to get over this fact, including gays. Being gay doesn't equal sexual conduct, though it is a part of it. Being gay means you LOVE and dig dudes in every aspect.

And so for those of you who say he isn't a hero fine we get it: because most likely you are not a basketball player who is into dudes yourself. We don't need to know how much you resent that some people are calling him a hero, and that you 'don't get it.' Heck even I don't get basketball heroes at all. But nonetheless there they are, and if it helps some few gay basketball dudes feel better about themselves I am all for it. Hero or not.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

LETTERS FROM THE MENTAL HOSPITAL: Stupid airhead bible thumper foams at the mouth

Here we have another bible thumper thinking she knows the mind of the creator and shit that only crazy raving lunatic selling pencils from a cup at a street corner.

Lets take a look at what this mental patient has to offer in a form of a childish argument against gay marriage:
"The union of two homosexuals cannot be called marriage."
Says who? I thought you right wing reactionaries ram freedom of speech down our throats all the time. And now you are demanding that others refrain from calling gay marriage whatever they want, including marriage. And besides in the English language we've used the word 'marriage' to describe other types of unions, most of which do not involve humans (like the marriage of a proton and a neutron). So if someone calls my union a marriage what are you going to do? Call the marriage police? Call Rick Perry (who fucks young Mexican men)? Call Jesus? Call grandma? WHO is going to monitor the appropriate way to use the word marriage? These psychotic reactionaries have a long history of fascist tendencies, and this is no different.
"God calls it detestable and degrading of their bodies."
Uh, no. I mean what kind of stupid God just sits by casually observing and calling names on things he supposedly despises? If he's truly "God" (and that is still debatable) then he should do something about it or just shut up. Clearly this "God" must be another mental patient that is closely related to this patient.
"These relationships are not motivated by love but shameful lusts. Those who approve of same-sex unions should know the company they are keeping. (Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:24-27)"
And this is based on WHAT precisely patient? Supposedly Jesus says that the old testament doesn't apply anymore, and if you are a real sophisticated biblical scholar (which you are clearly NOT) you would know why Jesus actually even broke many of the old Abrahamic codes in the ancient (very ancient) Hebrew text, hence why it is called "OLD" testament and is NOT part of the gospels (which are the books we call the "NEW" testament that apply to Christians). And Romans is all too well a mistranslation (like many other passages) and to add to that, the author of said book, "Paul," was a very angry dude and had various opinions on anything that Jesus really didn't care much to talk about (i.e. homosexuality).
"Many supporters of “gay marriage” claim to be compassionate and think they are promoting equality. They don’t seem to realize that if you go against God’s will you are on the side of the devil. You can’t make wrong right. God clearly revealed his design in his word."
Another pompous statement. Yet we live in a country that gives us the right to side with the Devil (according to the patient). Yes people can "think" they are promoting equality just like people "think" they are speaking for the Creator that created The Universe. And no, it is quite impossible to side with the Devil unless you are in clear communication with such entity (as opposed to Satan, which is a total different entity according to the Bible). And God did not "clearly" revealed "his design" in "his word." That is clearly a bogus claim that even the Bible cannot support. Many Biblical scholars rightly think that the Bible is referring to many gods since when these gods speak they have through various times contradicted themselves. So whoever or whatever these gods were, they were certainly not THE creator. In fact there are certain passages in the Bible where the gods don't even know where certain people, things, and places are located. Not really god like.
"Ephesians 5:12 says “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.”
This is just cherry picking. I did a whole study on Ephesians when I was a Jehovah's Witness, and the whole damn book goes no where near homosexuality. At all, period. The patient is starting to lose it here and obviously has clearly lost her train of thought and instead picked a simple text at random.
"I read John Rupkey’s letters to Sen. Miller and Rep. Pelowski in the April 16 Winona Daily News and he does not seem to be ashamed of his lifestyle but rather parades it."
The patient is now clearly troubled by the actions of loving adults and the real psychosis that has motivated her to write this screed are becoming increasingly clearer. Some people have psychological disorders whereby they hate to see other people have what they themselves lack (happiness, money, success) and would want to do something to take it away (like vote against their happiness, money, and success).
"I strongly disagree with Mr. Rupkey about the inevitability of “gay marriage” being accepted across America. It is still illegal in 40 states. Also, a recent poll of greater Minnesota showed 74 percent were against redefining marriage. I believe that the majority still wish to preserve marriage as it has been since the beginning of time when God instituted it between one man and one woman."
Also we see here the patient is no longer engaging in meaningful debate dithers and is now resorting to multiple delusions, and may even be hearing strange voices.
"If you agree with me, please call, write or visit your congressmen and express your views. The vote on this vital issue will be in the near future.

A famous person once said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.”
Though by now the patient seems to have probably forgotten what she is writing about, sometimes mental patients think that they are fighting evil forces (like when Ben Kenobi defeated the evil and now corrupt Anakin Skywalker) but in reality are only playing with cardboard swords while riding an office chair.

Prognosis: this mental patient is clearly suffering from severe hallucinations, anger issues, loss of memory, and inability to have rational debate. Yup, clearly a teabagger. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013


Thank NOM for inciting violence against gays in France

It appears that NOM is going international basing its strategy on the French opposition to gay rights. In light of the recent homophobic attacks against gays in France will NOM ever address their incitement of homophobic violence?

I doubt it.

Monday, March 25, 2013

French Anti-Gay Violent Bigots VS Peacful NYC Gay Marriage Vigil

Yesterday we had two events concerning gay marriage. Lets compare. Shall we?

First, the NYC Times Square silent candlelight vigil held by David Mixner in support of gay marriage:




No fuss. Just peaceful gay people and our allies hoping for the best.

Compare that to the hateful, violent protest in the streets of Paris by those who oppose gay marriage:

Bigots telling rioters to use children as human shields.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

J-Lo Sings at The Boy Scouts Fruity Event After Burrito Giant Pulls Sponsorship

It appears that after Chipotle decided not to give the Boy Scouts free burritos for their anti-gay reactionary rhetoric, and after Carly Rae Jepsen also dumped them for the same reasons, they were left with no choice but to get the best of both worlds, and so they invited Jennifer Lopez to sing at their fruity event. Here is a clip from the concert:

PIC: Republican Rock Lands on Gay Somali Teen

This is what's going to happen if we don't stop the reactionary teabaggers. Nutty conservative "Christians" have plenty of stones to throw at us. This is not just going to happen in Somalia but in a conservative "Christian" reactionary country if the repukes have their way.

Already they are claiming that their followers will react "explosively" if the SCOTUS rules in favor of gay marriage.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Racism Alive and Well at CPAC

It in an ironic twist, the attendees at a CPAC meeting and how to make racists more likeable to us normal people when one of the racists in attendance was telling a black guy that slaves had food and shelter and so they shouldn't be complaining about it.

This is what the Repukes and racist reactionaries want to "rebrand."

And FYI, there was also white slavery, but yet reactionary racists are more about enslaving blacks.