Tuesday, June 10, 2014

UK topless Big Brother contestant wants 'poofs' shot dead

A contestant on UK's Big Brother Danielle McMahon has been exposed as posting tweets calling for 'poofs' (British version for fags) to be shot:
In a series of tweets sent from what appears to be McMahon’s Twitter account last year, McMahon called gay people “poofs” and “freaks”, suggested that they are not actually men, telling them to “man up”. 
In one tweet she said: “Just seen a supposed guy use the word lush…. Shoot him, shoot him now How utterly cringe and vile #manup #poof.” 
In another, she said: “Men should be men not use the same sayings and do the same things as girls #poof #stepouttheclosetufreak.”
“Urgh some people are so cringe Thank god they are out my life #poof #manupyoucreep“, a third message read.
She is also an underwear model who likes to show her titties to horny heterosexual men who happens to be a devout Catholic opposed to gay marriage because it is against her titties' religious beliefs. Her tits have spoken and being gay is a sin! A sin I tell ya! Now show us those titties!

Teabagger extremist beats Eric Cantor in GOP primary

Here's another indication of the pending demise of the GOP as a national party.

In today's primary elections in Virginia beehive head Eric Cantor, who is the GOP house majority leader, lost to his primary challenger David Brat. As the last name suggests, Brat is a raving teabagger who also managed to somehow maintain a real day job as a professor. Yup, you heard that right: a raving teabagger university professor. This is historic in many levels. Brat will be facing, get this, a democrat who also is a faculty member of the same college. This will be interesting and because we are dealing with a toothless teabagger it will be entertaining as well.

The main issue in the race was immigration with Brat stoking up xenophobic fears of brown people invading the country and destroying the white race as we know it.

What this also means is that the GOP has lost its last Jewish congressman, making the GOP house delegation is much more pure whiter, completely "Christian" block. And it also means that the GOP is now shrinking on its own as it becomes more reactionary, more racist, more teabaggy. It means that GOP will shrink to reflect its base: it will remain in the south, rural, and racist.

Shooting at Oregon High School, shooter killed


UPDATE: Cops confirmed that one other student was killed as well.

And here we have another school shooting, this time at Reynolds High School in Troutdale Oregon. At around 8 am reports indicate that an active shooter was on campus and cops immediately pounced on the school totally wiping out the shooter and leaving him like a slice of swiss cheese.

There is no word yet on how many people were shot if any, but the school is in locked down and parents are told to keep the fuck away. Watch this space for any updates.

But what do you expect when we have gun-toting teabagger ammo-sexuals, who believe that people should bring guns to schools, churches, and even nightclubs and bars, that are free to roam in public and not locked up in mental institutions where they rightfully belong.

Wisconsin gay couples get married after federal judge strikes down ban

In the great state of Wisconsin a federal judge has struck down the constitutional amendment that limits marriage to only "enduring family units" (or in other words no fags allowed) and hundreds of gay couples have started to get married to the dismay of the teabaggers and bigots of the state as they get educated by the judge on the real meaning of "traditional marriage."

For now gay marriages are still continuing in the state and the cross-eyed dofus looking governor and the viper attorney general are trying to stay the decision even though the judge has already given them the finger on such request.

So the state is asking the appeals court to issue a stay on the ruling. So watch this space.

Teabaggers need to get a grip and realize that they are losing but heck we are dealing with swindlers and delusional freaks who refuse to live in reality.