Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rick Perry says that being gay is just like alcoholism

Did Rick Perry just out himself subconsciously? He basically thinks that you can quit being gay just like an alcoholic can quit drinking brewskis:

The paper says that the governor responded that "whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that." 
He said: "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."
Some may obviously find those remarks offensive. However, I dunno about you, but I get the feeling he's speaking from experience as former drunken queen.

The only time alcohol and gay comes into the mix is when a drunk straight guy is getting an awesome bj from his gay hair stylist Julio in the back of a Taco Bell at 2:30 in the morning. Anything else is just quackery bullshit.

Teabagger lunatic Mark Levin masturbates to Brat win and wants GOP to 'stop chasing genitalia'

The self-appointed "Great One" has decided to crawl out of his bunker (Hitler is not the only reactionary with a bunker I now see) to go on Sean Hannity's back seat show on Faux Noise to rage and basically masturbate to David Brat, a neo-confederate teabagger evangelist, who defeated Eric Cantor in the GOP primary in Virginia. The Groucho Marx sounding voice that looks like an aborted raccoon (maybe that's why he's so against abortion being that he doesn't want kids to look like him) also had something to say about attracting non-whites and in particular women voters, basically relegating them to pussies and cunts:
“Stop chasing ethnic groups, stop chasing genitalia,” Levin continued. “Talk to the American people. Talk about liberty, opportunity. Explain to them that Obama’s wrong, and that we need to unleash the American people and unleash the economy.” 
“You might be making news with that ‘genitalia’ remark,” Hannity replied. “But those that don’t know you don’t know your sense of humor.”
Humor? Was there something I was suppose to laugh at and find funny Sean? Please. The only thing here that we can chuckle at is this Mark Levin teabagger shenanigans because that is a giant joke, and a bad one at that.

And being for a woman's right to have an abortion or tie her tubes or whatever is not "chasing genitalia." And since Groucho Marx can only think of people based on their genitalia than we can assume that he is a giant old shriveled up dick (I mean look at that head of his, it is shinier than my dick's helmet). Believe me, Mark and other bizarre looking dickheads would wish that any human being would want to chase their ugly genitalia (do teabaggers even have genitalia?).

Watch the teabagger circle jerk in action: