Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The ultimate hetero-pandemonium: National Felons League (NFL) protects straight wife-beaters, criminals

Some have a problem when I label the NFL as the National Felons League. But recent events have been unraveling that made me feel justified in using that label. Call it name-calling, but if you know me and this site well you would know that I call it like it is.

We were told that Michael Sam being in the NFL would create a media distraction and that because of that NFL teams, except for the Rams and the Cowboys, refused to give him chance to ram his head against other players (now don't get any nasty thoughts on that like I did). And so the narrative goes: gays cannot join the NFL because they are distractions and we cannot afford such distractions. Violence against women: not a distraction. Gay man kissing his boyfriend: that's a distraction straight from the pits of hell that is being shoved down our throats.

But then in comes Ray Rice. A heterosexual All-American male who plays football for the Ravens. He uses his heterosexual powers to command the field and score touchdowns and so it is obvious that the NFL would try to hide the nature and the brutality he unleashed on his then fiance in an elevator at a Atlantic City casino.

The NFL, and its dubious Commissioner Roger Goodell, have been persistent in their claim that they did not have access to a video that captured Rice beating his fiance cold in the elevator. And with that the NFL only suspended Rice for couple of games and he will have to go anger management classes. The NFL were quick to brush this "distraction" under the rug, because eh, no video, no huge scandal as the public will not get the full grasp of the beast like behavior of this caveman they hired to play football.

A few months passed and now the video has finally surfaced thanks to our pals over at TMZ. We the public can now finally see the savage brutality of this incident and what the NFL is letting slide and covering up:

And right after the above video was published the Ravens immediately kicked Rice out of the team, and the NFL decided to suspend him indefinitely. And yes we have chumps out there trying to defend this so-called man and justify the beating that his fiance got. Pathetic.

I am sorry, but my mother raised me that a woman should never be hit. Never. No exceptions. Call me old fashioned, but my progressive mother is right. Women, though ought to be treated equally in all matters, physically speaking are weaker than men generally, and so any fight by a man against a woman is totally abusive and not fair as a man would have total physical advantage. An old cliche term we could say: pick on someone your own size. My mother also believes that heterosexual men should not fight gay men either for the same reasons, but that is of course up for a discussion some other time. Our society should never tolerate the humiliation and abuse of women and homosexual men who cannot defend themselves was the talk growing up in my home. And that is what I believe.

And it doesn't end here of course. I believe strongly that the NFL saw the video and either forced, coerced, or paid off the fiance to eventually marry Rice and to try to not make a big deal at court or anywhere else and thus Rice got off easily with no jail time and a two game suspension. All should have then remained quiet and we could move on about the shower habits of Michael Sam.

Ahh, but hold on second. A law enforcement source proved my assertions correct as he/she told the AP that a copy of the entire video was indeed delivered to the NFL in April and that even a member of the staff at the front office left a voice mail message telling the source that she received the tape:
A law enforcement official says he sent a video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee to an NFL executive three months ago, while league officers have insisted they didn't see the violent images until this week. 
The person played The Associated Press a 12-second voicemail from an NFL office number on April 9 confirming the video arrived. A female voice expresses thanks and says: "You're right. It's terrible."
Somebody has some splainin' tu doo...

At first the NFL responded by denying everything as usual. But then the league has decided to nonetheless bring on an ex-FBI director to conduct and independent investigation:
The league announced Wednesday night that Robert S. Mueller III, former director of the FBI, will “conduct an independent investigation into the NFL’s pursuit and handling of evidence in the Ray Rice domestic violence incident.”
Try as they might, many of us are not buying the NFL's bullshit. They knew what was up and now they are covering up their trails that indeed they had complete knowledge of what happened in that elevator and were trying to brush this whole thing under the rug. A league of heterosexual men helping hide the depraved violent acts of another heterosexual man against a woman. Distraction overload! Yeah right...

But eh its a bunch of heterosexual juveniles who refuse to grow up and admit responsibility like real men. Real men don't beat women. Real men show and give respect to others.

Or the NFL can try to get Michael Sam to use his magical "gay distraction powers" by having him to do a sex tape in his new Cowboys uniform as he gets bukkakeed by 50 other football players. Now that would bring some relief to Rice as the media would be "distracted" with that nonsense instead. Come on Sam, take it for the team!

I know. I know. Its far fetched, but at least it's an idea that I have no doubt has been at least floating around the NFL offices as they begin to destroy their phone records and emails.

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