Monday, June 2, 2014

GOP bigots do not understand why non-white non-heterosexual non-teabaggy people don't like them

We all know that it is a matter of time before the nightmare of the teabagger party, reactionary libertarianism, and the xenophobic conservative movement will come to its rightful end. And nothing helps in your own self-destruction like being in denial with a healthy dose of grandiose delusional thinking.

Yet the teabaggers are wondering why we normal people do not like them. Their leader Reince Priebus (oh yeah, what a sexy name that is, surely you can attract lots of people with it too?) ponders:
RNC chairman Reince Priebus, invoking the legacy of abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass, asked a question at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans that many prominent Republicans have asked in recent years: Why does the party of Abraham Lincoln not get more credit as the party of tolerance? “We’re the party of freedom and we’re the party of opportunity and we’re the party of equality, we’re the ones with that history,” Priebus said in his speech Thursday. “It’s the other side that has a shameful history, but you wouldn’t know it because we don’t talk about it.”
And right after Rinse Prewash gave that speech at the GOP conference guess who took to the podium next?


Nothing says "tolerance" like a bearded Christian Taliban anti-gay, racist, pro-child marriage reactionary bigoted duck molester quacking away.

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