Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No, Chick-Fil-A is not the 'biblical based' company it proclaims to be

In fact I reached out to one of my good friends who is a traveling baptist minister. He is not your typical bible thumper by all means but he does take the bible seriously and has made several life changes to adhere to his version of Scripture.

I emailed him about this whole Chick-Fil-A broo-ha-ha and to see what he thinks about the company. I had several questions, mostly asking if in fact the company is truly a 'Christian' company managed under 'biblical principals.'

I want to be very honest with you because in Christ, honesty makes way for love, and we must trust his word in the Holy Gospels, and nothing else can be further from the truth than to foolishly believe that this company is actually observing the teachings of our Lord Christ. 
When a company makes outlandish claims in order to make billions in profits, a true Christian must be very skeptical, just as our Lord was skeptical of the outlandish claims that were made by the Priesthood of his day. The President of the company was the true arrogant and prideful one. He knows that many people of certain political persuasion would no doubt support his Company. I don't think he is guilty as charged for being hateful, but he is being guilty of pride and arrogance as he looks down at those who are different from him and who have less than he does. As I always say, Jose, a true Christian is a "follower" of Christ who is blessed with the gift of humbleness, unlike Mr. Cathy. 
Just because you close on Sundays and oppose same-sex marriage doesn't make you a Christian company. Neither does going to church on Sundays and donating to your local charity. You have to live in Christ and treat your fellow brothers in Christ with love and joy. But that is not we personally experience at Chick-Fil-A. It was two years ago we stopped by a Chick-Fil-A in Florida after ministering a few hours with a group of college students at an event of a local Student Fellowship. We were there to rest a bit as it was a hot day. We planned on to order something later on for dinner so we just took out our bibles and reviewed all the wonderful spiritual nutrition that our Lord blessed us that day with. After a twenty minutes or so a staff member told us to basically "buy something or get out." One of our brothers then got up and starting leaving. I tried to explain that were just resting and that we were planning to have dinner later on. The staff member didn't want to hear it. The restaurant was filled and they wanted us out. Before leaving one of the other Brothers, our driver, wanted to drink some water but was denied. We went to an Italian restaurant a few miles away and had a wonderful time and dinner. And the couple who owned the restaurant were very pleasant and let us have a short bible study before dinner. They gave us water and bread.  
Jose, its pretty clear to me that a company this inhospitable to their brothers has no business calling themselves Christian. And they bring shame to this child of God and follower of Christ.
God Bless You Brother,

And we all know why Sodom was destroyed by God right? Unlike some stupid airheads who repeat like parrots what their pastors say, Sodom was not destroyed because of homosexuality (it is really hard to believe that an entire city is homosexual), but because of lack of hospitality and being unkind. Now, were Dan Cathy's words kind and hospitable? I think not. Those 'Christians' who cry foul and defend Dan Cathy and Chick-Fil-A should just stop and for once really read and understand what Dan said not just focus on whether or not he has a right to say it or not.

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