Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why are dems so eager to appoint teabaggers as federal judges?

Sometimes you have to be stern in saying NO. And by NO we mean FUCK NO.

The democratic treachery machine is at work ladies and gentlemen as the White House and some Senators are conspiring to place teabaggers on the federal bench. Don't democrats understand that the overwhelming majority of of Americans did not vote for them so they can place anti-gay, anti-women hacks in high government positions. I thought we made that absolutely fucking clear in 2012. We Americans rejected Tea-nomics and the right wing takeover and we expected reasonable statesmen to counter and fight against this parade of mutants.

But now as Rachel Maddow points out, what the fuck are these democrats doing trying to get teabaggers appointed as judges? This is a common theme in democratic politics, they are very keen to appease these hacks when long ago teabaggers were rightfully laughed off the stage. Now we have a President that says he wants to work with teabaggers. Sorry Mr. President but you cannot, you simply cannot negotiate with arsonists who want to burn the house down.

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