Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oh Marco Rubio, Cry me a River

Funny how conservatives always try to lecture gays to be "thick skinned" when it comes to being name-called, and to quit whining about it. Supposedly conservatives are supposed to be against "self victimization" and hate those who vest themselves with that label. And let us not forget that these are the same conservatives who say that people have a right to bark whatever they want without any exterior consequences.

Yet GOP and teabagger darling Marco Rubio is forgoing all of that and instead now insists that he's the victim in the gay marriage debate, not gays who are having their economic rights and legal protections denied to them. Only in America can a privileged, successful, republican senator with potential to run for the White House can feel as the "real victim."

The new zinger for the teabaggers is that they hate being called "bigots" for having bigoted views. And Rubio is joining that bandwagon, and at C-PAC he whined and moaned about being called a bigot for trying to deny equal protection and economic rights for gay couples.

I don't believe he's genuinely concerned about being called a bigot. Like other teabaggers, Rubio wants to be called a bigot in order to shift the debate over towards the proper use of the word. Clearly this tactic is to make gay people look like Nazis preying on meek, humble Christians (even though Jesus had negative views on politicians in general).

This is why his pathetic plea not to be called a bigot is pure bullshit. The word itself is not a slur. It is a neutral term to describe a person's state of mind regarding a particular subject matter.

Yes Marco, you are a BIGOT on gay marriage. Why? Its not because I hate you or anything like that, it is because your stale arguments against gay marriage are not based on anything but your narrow worldview and your inability to understand what being gay is all about. That's the only reason why you are a bigot on this issue (and on many other ones too). You have given us reasons why you oppose gay marriage, I've analyzed those reasons and basically they are not backed by hard facts, science or psychology.

Don't worry Marco, you're not the only one. The difference between me and other gays is that I at least recognize my bigotry. There are certain things I do not know about. I do not know what exactly is going on with my ex's life right now. We don't talk anymore. That makes me BIGOTED on his life because I have certain narrow perceptions on what he's doing versus actually trying to find out for sure.

So Marco, quit your whining. It's not working. 

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