Sunday, July 22, 2012

NOM Demands 'Corporate Neutrality' on Gay Marriage by Having 'National Eat at Chick-Fil-A Day'

Wrap your head around this one if you can.

The Bilderger/Vatican financially backed National Organization 'For' Marriage is demanding that corporations remain 'neutral' on gay marriage, yet as expected they break their own rules and logic (which is what they do on a daily basis) by coming up with 'National Eat at Chick-Fil-A' Day and demanding all who hate gay marriage to chow down on frozen-processed delights at the fast food chain restaurant. Yum!

I don't know about you, but I hate fast food on par with homophobes, so this day for me (which will be on the 25th, mark your calendars!) will be a day of infamy IF they can actually pull it of. Which I doubt. But who knows? Maybe on that day Chick-Fil-A sales may tick up a little since more people eat junk fast food on Wednesdays during lunch (which Chick-Fil-A thrives on) than on other days, this is based on stats I got to read when I was a manager of a restaurant (who competed with a fast food giant next door to us). And of course, if these numbers remain the same, NOM will claim victory on something they have nothing to do with. Mark my words. Gay bloggers go ahead and bookmark this post and know that this is their M.O. and it is bound to happen. Jose Soto has warned you all. Of course this shouldn't be a surprise to many of us. NOM will lie, cheat and steal to get what it wants, heck it has employed racist tactics before so anything is possible for this stupid muppet organization that is only run by seven people.

Some hack for NOM excused the special day as 'thanking the company for deciding to remain neutral.' But the thing is is that the company's head chief, Dan Cathy, is not neutral. Their donations to anti-gay marriage groups is by all means far from the definition of neutrality, especially if you take into consideration that some of these donations went to groups who want gays thrown in jail. Far from that. And besides an anti-gay marriage organization commanding all of its minions to swallow their chicken sandwiches and pay them money is not a sign a of neutrality either.

On another note, Charlie Brian Brown is touting that 'fat cats are behind gay marriage' yet here they are calling on all of their units to Chick-Fil-A and to give all their money to a very wealthy family, the Cathys, and a corporation that is worth billions. Then again, I take this latest tantrum with a grain of salt as NOM is financially supported by a hedge fund zombie and neo-con Wall Street artist Robert George who is a big supporter of the 'free market' (not the kind where you open a business, the kind where big wall street bankers loot all the money from the treasury - that kind of free market).

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