Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gay Orgs Were Wrong in Issuing Statements Re: FRC Shooting

By doing so, gay organizations are furthering the reactionary theory that gays were behind this event, clearly we are not.

Shall we disavow violence? Duh, any normal human being would. Saying we are against violence of any kind means that somehow were FOR violence sometime in the past - and of course, this is not the case. It means that we let down our guard and somehow were condoning acts of violence against innocent people.

I don't get why gay orgs are having a guilt trip over this event. The shooter did not receive his marching orders from us. Nobody from the gay DC center made him do it. Nobody from the community coerced him to do it. We all know that such acts will make all us look bad in front of the public. And the only people to benefit from this event are the Family Research Council and their supporters - including the right wing reactionary base.

We don't owe anybody any statement on an incident that is still not quite clear on what exactly happened or what motivated the shooter (I have my own theories on this as well). And since the Family Research Council has never issued any statements when gay people actually get killed, murdered, tortured, raped, harassed, shot at, etc. every time it happens, why should our supposed gay leaders and representatives say anything at all?

All the gay orgs are doing is adding to the right wing reactionaries' story lines of how bad we gay people are and how murderous and dangerous we can be. Remember, Family Research Council makes its money from spouting such convoluted accusations against the gay community all the time.

No apologies. We didn't do ANYTHING wrong. Period.

Standing up for our economic rights, equal civil liberties, equal treatment, freedom of expression and association should not equate gun shot wound to the arm, and we cannot let the reactionaries hijack the discussion towards that direction.

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