Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Anti-Gay Buster Wilson Admits That Homophobia Will Bring Down The Boys Scouts

Oh the irony.

Anti-gay ringmaster Buster Wilson at Big Homophobia Inc. (aka American Family Association) makes an interesting yet unintentional admission that homophobia will bring down the Boys Scouts and not gays themselves if they rescind the gay ban.

During his foaming at the mouth dither he barks:
"If they wilt under the pressure of the Human Rights Campaign and they fold like a cheap tent they will cease to exist. Let me tell you what the Boy Scouts of America will become, if they change their ruling and they give into the pressure and the extortion of the Human Rights Campaign this is what’s going to happen: the Boy Scouts of America will falter and fall and become nothing in the end but the ‘Boy Scouts of Gay America’ because that’s the only folks that’ll support them."
 Translating that last phrase we see what he means: the Boys Scouts of America has homophobes, and if you allow openly gays admission our homophobia is too intense, so perverse, so ingrained that we will pack up and leave, leaving only those liberal gay loving tree huggers who most likely will be a dwindling small number and this will lead to their downfall.

So it isn't gays themselves that are the problem. It is, and always has been, their relentless homophobia. Got it?

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