Saturday, September 6, 2014

Obama delays executive action on immigration reform

Despite promising that he will use executive power to allow for some reforms to the broken immigration system because the teabagger racist house of representatives in Congress refuses to act, Obama has decided to delay any such executive action until after the mid-term elections:
“Because of the Republicans’ extreme politicization of this issue, the president believes it would be harmful to the policy itself and to the long-term prospects for comprehensive immigration reform to announce administrative action before the elections,” a White House official said. “Because he wants to do this in a way that’s sustainable, the president will take action on immigration before the end of the year.”
And so la raza is obviously not happy about it:
Cristina Jimenez, the managing director for United We Dream, an immigration advocacy group, accused Mr. Obama of “playing politics” with the lives of immigrant families and said “the president’s latest broken promise is another slap to the face of the Latino and immigrant community.” 
Dreamers need to stop "dreaming" and wake up to the political reality that we are facing. We have a racist Republican teabaggy Congress that is obstructing anything that they deem might help people who are not white, racist, Christian, anal retentive male heterosexuals as they are, that's a fact.

Secondly you have dixie-crats (modern Southern Democrats) who are running for reelection or are trying to unseat racist teabaggers in red states. The reality is that you have a lot of racist white trash rednecks in said red states who get panic attacks every time they see a brown-colored Spanish-speaking family walking their dog named "chucho" down the street. Such redneck states like Arkansas are where democrats may hold a competitive edge and win/maintain seats in Congress. And since we need democrats to hold on to the Senate and hopefully take back the house to give Obama support in whatever immigration action he might take it will be necessary to defuse racist anxieties that teabaggers in these red states might agitate with and would make it harder for democrats to get enough wins this November.

I think Obama made the right call on this one. Our first priority is to take out the racist teabaggers and take power away from them in Congress thus allowing for a much more easier and smoother transition into any executive action (or hopefully some legislative action) that we all know Obama is eager to make on this issue.

La raza needs to understand these realities and if you want immigration reform to work we need to kick some redneck teabagger ass this fall. So get out there, get registered and vote these fucktards out of office.

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