Sunday, February 3, 2013

Anti-Gay Reactionaries Hate Their Own Stupid Rhetoric

First I would like to inform you all that I've not been posting lately or doing the podcast because I been busy with other work and as of late I came down with a severe case of Labyrinthtitus, a condition which affected my inner ear and basically incapacitated me for a whole week. But now all is good and my other work has been completed and now I am back, although still slowly recuperating from my condition.

Maybe its the sedation drugs speaking but I am fucking sick and tired of these whiny pesky homophobic reactionaries from the right wing. It is time to expose their naked stupidity and illogical dribble.

I have a lot catching up to do since my absence but I have been reading the papers and all the news from the 49ers flak to a lesbian couple being denied a wedding cake from a self righteous fascist evangelical. And the typical reaction from the homophobes is the same: gay haters are the real victims and the gays that we discriminate against are the Nazi, Commie, Maoist, fascists for DARING to engage in commerce by trying to buy wedding cakes of all things.   

The most interesting response from these bigots, particularly in the 49ers fiasco, is that those who espouse prejudiced anti-gay comments should be immune from the consequences of said vitriol. A football player has a right to state that he hates fags and that's that. You queers just take it! However, say anything bad about Israel and BAM! you are a target of the right wing crazies. However, attacking gays is a noble act of "bravery" to these knuckleheads. And such bravery should be protected, meaning a football player who says "I hate fags" should not get reprimanded from his employers, such disciplinary action is a so-called infringement on said player's First Amendment right to free speech and that homos are nothing but the thought police engaging in Nazi-like persecution against an "innocent" football player. But these yahoos are forgetting something though: their own rhetoric approved by the Supreme Court in the form of Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (2000) and the pivotal central argument in that case in which the Boy Scouts won the right to discriminate against gays:
"The Court holds that the lower court's decision unconstitutionally violated the rights of the BSA, specifically the freedom of association to exclude a person from membership when the presence of that person affects in a significant way the group's ability to advocate public or private viewpoints."
In other words, the 49ers have a constitutional right granted by the right wing court to discriminate against homophobic players and fire them from the team because of who they are and what they represent (homophobia) is contradictory to the "viewpoints" of a team that is based in a city well known for its gay culture.

Yet homophobic right wingers will vent and foam at the mouth even against their own central rhetoric all in the name to oppose teh gays.

To hell with this is about "free speech" blah blah empty argument. This is about reactionaries and their homophobia and trying to mask it with cliches like freedom of speech. Sorry reactionaries, you are being caught red handed in your hypocritical stupid nonsense.

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