Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cato's Prop 8 SCOTUS Brief Matters More Than Obama's

Gay Inc. is going gaga after Obama (well actually a lawyer at the Justice Department, but nonetheless O was in control of the situation) filed a brief against proposition 8 at the Supreme Court of these United States.


Some deluded people think that this warped and really foul brief, which is presenting a new stupid legal theory,  is somehow going to carry tremendous weight and will impact the outcome of the case. Tremendous weight for certain, but as far as actually affecting the outcome of the case I hardly think it would. Obama is basically preaching to the choir with his brief and is helping out his old chum Roberts with a potential lifesaver just in case he needs to bail out of the sinking ship of a divisive court. I would hope that such alien law theory would be rejected and be tossed into Ginsberg's fireplace to give it a nice post winter glow.

Since Obama's brief is mainly geared towards a possible emergency exit for Roberts we have to conclude that such mockery of so-called brief has no more baring on the outcome of this case than any other brief filed with the court.

But one brief actually stands out for me. Surprisingly, it was the brief from the austerity ghouls of the Austrian school of Anti-American economics think tank, the despicable libertarian Cato Institute, that should be praised because of its likely potential to have a real impact on the case. This brief was intended for none other than Kennedy, the swing vote on the court. We've already nailed positive results from the liberal fab four. We are one vote short from victory, and that vote must come from either Kennedy or Roberts. If we get both then we could rub the outcome on Brian Brown's and his molester Cardinal Tim Dolan's faces. A 6-3 victory will be a joyous occasion for the 14th amendment of the constitution.

Simply put, Kennedy listens to Cato a lot. About 95% a lot. I'm not sure how many times he's taken Obama's side, but I am guessing is not as a good relationship compared to Cato's. Kennedy is a fellow of Cato and has very close ties since Kennedy's austerity fetish has been engrained by this think tank. Meaning: he listens to them all the time. And in this case, Cato's brief is actually something to take very seriously even though their aruguments are generic, their weight with the must have swing vote is very unique and very special. Kennedy, most likely of cases, read this brief first before the others on the pile. Yup, they are that close.

And now we are that close in winning this.

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