Saturday, May 4, 2013

LETTERS FROM THE MENTAL HOSPITAL: Stupid airhead bible thumper foams at the mouth

Here we have another bible thumper thinking she knows the mind of the creator and shit that only crazy raving lunatic selling pencils from a cup at a street corner.

Lets take a look at what this mental patient has to offer in a form of a childish argument against gay marriage:
"The union of two homosexuals cannot be called marriage."
Says who? I thought you right wing reactionaries ram freedom of speech down our throats all the time. And now you are demanding that others refrain from calling gay marriage whatever they want, including marriage. And besides in the English language we've used the word 'marriage' to describe other types of unions, most of which do not involve humans (like the marriage of a proton and a neutron). So if someone calls my union a marriage what are you going to do? Call the marriage police? Call Rick Perry (who fucks young Mexican men)? Call Jesus? Call grandma? WHO is going to monitor the appropriate way to use the word marriage? These psychotic reactionaries have a long history of fascist tendencies, and this is no different.
"God calls it detestable and degrading of their bodies."
Uh, no. I mean what kind of stupid God just sits by casually observing and calling names on things he supposedly despises? If he's truly "God" (and that is still debatable) then he should do something about it or just shut up. Clearly this "God" must be another mental patient that is closely related to this patient.
"These relationships are not motivated by love but shameful lusts. Those who approve of same-sex unions should know the company they are keeping. (Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:24-27)"
And this is based on WHAT precisely patient? Supposedly Jesus says that the old testament doesn't apply anymore, and if you are a real sophisticated biblical scholar (which you are clearly NOT) you would know why Jesus actually even broke many of the old Abrahamic codes in the ancient (very ancient) Hebrew text, hence why it is called "OLD" testament and is NOT part of the gospels (which are the books we call the "NEW" testament that apply to Christians). And Romans is all too well a mistranslation (like many other passages) and to add to that, the author of said book, "Paul," was a very angry dude and had various opinions on anything that Jesus really didn't care much to talk about (i.e. homosexuality).
"Many supporters of “gay marriage” claim to be compassionate and think they are promoting equality. They don’t seem to realize that if you go against God’s will you are on the side of the devil. You can’t make wrong right. God clearly revealed his design in his word."
Another pompous statement. Yet we live in a country that gives us the right to side with the Devil (according to the patient). Yes people can "think" they are promoting equality just like people "think" they are speaking for the Creator that created The Universe. And no, it is quite impossible to side with the Devil unless you are in clear communication with such entity (as opposed to Satan, which is a total different entity according to the Bible). And God did not "clearly" revealed "his design" in "his word." That is clearly a bogus claim that even the Bible cannot support. Many Biblical scholars rightly think that the Bible is referring to many gods since when these gods speak they have through various times contradicted themselves. So whoever or whatever these gods were, they were certainly not THE creator. In fact there are certain passages in the Bible where the gods don't even know where certain people, things, and places are located. Not really god like.
"Ephesians 5:12 says “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.”
This is just cherry picking. I did a whole study on Ephesians when I was a Jehovah's Witness, and the whole damn book goes no where near homosexuality. At all, period. The patient is starting to lose it here and obviously has clearly lost her train of thought and instead picked a simple text at random.
"I read John Rupkey’s letters to Sen. Miller and Rep. Pelowski in the April 16 Winona Daily News and he does not seem to be ashamed of his lifestyle but rather parades it."
The patient is now clearly troubled by the actions of loving adults and the real psychosis that has motivated her to write this screed are becoming increasingly clearer. Some people have psychological disorders whereby they hate to see other people have what they themselves lack (happiness, money, success) and would want to do something to take it away (like vote against their happiness, money, and success).
"I strongly disagree with Mr. Rupkey about the inevitability of “gay marriage” being accepted across America. It is still illegal in 40 states. Also, a recent poll of greater Minnesota showed 74 percent were against redefining marriage. I believe that the majority still wish to preserve marriage as it has been since the beginning of time when God instituted it between one man and one woman."
Also we see here the patient is no longer engaging in meaningful debate dithers and is now resorting to multiple delusions, and may even be hearing strange voices.
"If you agree with me, please call, write or visit your congressmen and express your views. The vote on this vital issue will be in the near future.

A famous person once said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.”
Though by now the patient seems to have probably forgotten what she is writing about, sometimes mental patients think that they are fighting evil forces (like when Ben Kenobi defeated the evil and now corrupt Anakin Skywalker) but in reality are only playing with cardboard swords while riding an office chair.

Prognosis: this mental patient is clearly suffering from severe hallucinations, anger issues, loss of memory, and inability to have rational debate. Yup, clearly a teabagger. 

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