Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today's comment: Transgender potties and "privacy"

This is a comment I made on an article regarding how some people are having a fit over the transgender student law in California that allows transgender students to use the restroom, locker rooms, and other PE facilities that corresponds with their gender identity.
"I am sorry, but when you run around in your tighty whities in the PE locker room with other people this whole concept of "privacy" goes out the window. Some people are totally hypocritical on "privacy" issues, they will rave about their meaningless emails and texts being read but yet do not hesitate to put themselves out there on internet boards, chat room, and social media. I am fully aware that my "privacy" is being limited once I log on to the internets but I am okay with it because it is a risk I am willing to take because my life is not that extraordinary. Same thing goes with this transgender potty issue. 
The reactionaries need to understand that once you undress at a public facility like a locker room and not YOUR bedroom or YOUR own shower you are relinquishing your right to any dubious claim of privacy. I for one preserve my privacy in this regard by NOT undressing in these facilities but rather doing that home. Yes, sometimes I come home stinking like a wet nutsack from the gym, but that is what I prefer than undressing in front of strangers. You people who object to this law are sounding pathetically stupid being that you DEMAND privacy while undressing in front of others."

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