Friday, November 15, 2013

Today's Comment: Let's get this whole gay Chick-Fil-a issue STRAIGHT

Here is my latest comment on the issue of Chick-Fil-A and its dumb-fuck-o-rama of a president it has. I comment on a Bloomberg article that seems to take very lightly the real issues at hand regarding this inbred company and its redneck leader:

"This yahoo muppet supported a group that wanted to "export gays", called gay people pedophiles, wants gay people to become straight, harasses gay employees of other companies, bullies Christians who do not agree with them.

THAT was and is the problem with Fred Cathy Flintstone. He supports these ideas as he has financially backed these groups that support them. Wall Street hacks like Bloomberg are trying to paint this Chick-Fil-A issue over merely "disagreeing" with a Christian man's beliefs on "traditional marriage" - No, we are dealing with a man who has supported religious terrorism against the gay community. THAT is why we won't go and eat his chicken sandwiches, and I find it hilarious that the "free marketeers" and Wall Street ghouls are having a fit over gays and their supporters NOT wanting to do business with Chick-Fil-A, these are the same hacks who cry and moan that they want businesses to allow them to discriminate, to de-regulate them and so on, all in the name of "freedom" yet balk at the idea of gays choosing freely to not buy chicken sandwiches from Yokel Cathy. What they are now saying is that NOT buying a product from a person you find reprehensible somehow violates that person's "freedom of speech."

Yeah, right. You tea-fascists are masters of Orwellian manipulation and distortion"

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