Monday, May 19, 2014

National Review calls gay marriage 'lawlessness'

The teabagger site National Review is blasting the recent ruling striking down Oregon's gay marriage ban as 'lawlessness' because state officials have refused to defend the unconstitutional law in court.

Meanwhile outside the tea-bubble of nuttyness the facts are that courts do in fact on many occasions strike down ballot initiatives that are found to be unconstitutional regardless if that's "what the people want." And since National Review is infested with quacky reactionary conservative tea-Catholics who hate and bash fags we would wonder if they were to call a federal court decision in the early 20th century to strike down an Oregon ban on parochial schools (aka Catholic Schools) that was very popular and supported by the voters (and the KKK) as "lawlessness." Or is it when "intrinsically evil and disordered" homosexuals (per the Catholic Catechism) achieve the same kind of judicial relief that we can rightfully label such acts as "lawlessness."

Nevermind the fact that until this decision today Oregon state officials have not issued one single marriage license to gay couples, in other words they were actually enforcing a law that is on its face unconstitutional. But that is not enough for these same right wing hypocrites who nevertheless under the same breath label bigot Mormon racist rancher and welfare queen Cliven Bundy as their "hero" for breaking the law (hence actually engaging in lawlessness).

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