Friday, May 16, 2014

Stop comparing Michael Sam to Tim Tebow

Michael Sam is a black, gay linebacker and Tim Tebow was a white, heterosexual, bible-thumping quarterback. It is basically night and day. The teabaggers are now making the comparison in order to score political points in the "woe is me the discriminator" game.

And for the most part, I have nothing bad to say about Tim Tebow as he was not a typical "negative" bible-thumper who went after gays and women's uteruses. In fact I remember that Tebow even cancelled a scheduled appearance at a church that was soon exposed as being rabidly anti-gay. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy because, like Sam, he really wanted to succeed in football and couldn't. He just wasn't NFL material. And what the teabaggers who are fag-bashing Michael Sam need to understand is that Sam first needs to tryout and we will see if he's good enough. Until then save your man-crush infused Tebow comparisons.

Kent Bush from the Pekin Daily Times says it better:
"Tebow was a below-average quarterback whose only claim to fame was Bible verses in his eye black. Tebow is a great guy and competitor. But he wasn't a great NFL quarterback.
So when his following grew larger than his talent could bear, people pushed back. Tebow kept his faith on the front page of his player bio, so that is one of the ways he was attacked.
Tebowing became an Internet meme.
But I don’t think his treatment was only because he was a Christian. Far better quarterbacks have been equally open about their faith, and they weren't mocked."

1 comment:

  1. Nhiều bạn đọc thắc mắcđi đám ma nên mặc đồ gìbà bầu có nên đi đám ma không là vấn đề mà nhiều người quan tâm nhất. hơn nữa khi nhà có tang có được đi đám cưới không và những điều đi đám cưới không nên mặc gì bạn đọc cần phải thật sự cần quan tâm.
    Chúng tôi xin giới thiếu một số cửa hàng bán đồ cũ ở nhật để các bạn có dịp đi du lịch nhật bản có thể thả ga mua sắm mà không lo tốn kém.
    Chăm sóc rang miệng là vấn đề mỗi người cần làm mỗi ngày. Vậy tại sao phải thay bàn chải đánh răng là điều chắc chắn mọi người đều quan tâm và muốn tìm ra câu hỏi. Và đề học hỏi thêm
    cách chữa mệt mỏi sau khi uống rượu hãy cùng theo dõi bài viết này nhé.
