Monday, May 12, 2014

Stupid pot-head drug user tweaker Ole Miss basketball player bashes Michael Sam

This is a weird one. Ready for this?

Marshall Henderson is one psychotic impulsive son of gun who used to play basketball at Ole Miss University. Unfortunately for him, when Michael Sam ate his boyfriends face on ESPN after being drafted for the St Louis Rams, Mr. Henderson could not control his impulses, and after smoking a few joints and some meth he burped out this on Twitter:

And now his drug fueled impulses light up a light bulb on top of his hallowed head: it was all a clever psychology course experiment that he was doing on behalf of a his best friend who is gay and is studying psychology.

I don't know about you, but that is some crazy asinine shit. What the fuck is this turd smoking now? Did he just graduated to shrooms? We would have to be severely influenced with all types of drugs known to man in order to believe that bullshit.

The guy is just another homophobic moron who is trying to back away from what he did/said. It is typical behavior for drug addicts and psychopaths. He went apeshit because his little brothers got to see a black football player kiss his white boyfriend on TV. 

But he fails to realize that the real problem is not some gay dude kissing his boyfriend during the NFL draft, it is his failed exemplary image he is conveying to his little brothers that he reportedly cares so much for. Not only is he being a total bigot douchebag in front of them, worst of all he smokes crack and gets high, yup a great example to those kids right?

 "This is a guy who once tried to use counterfeit money to buy marijuana as a high school senior. This is a guy who once got suspended for punching a BYU player while at Utah. This is a guy who served jail time after violating his probation testing positive for marijuana and cocaine. This is a guy who gave an entire arena full of fans the double bird after an NCAA tournament loss. And this is a guy who wrote an apology letter to Ole Miss fans pledging to be more of a leader after that incident, only to get himself suspended for drug use weeks later."
Kiss a guy and you're a bad example to kids. But rob, punch people, get high and smoke crack - now that's better!

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