Saturday, June 7, 2014

Movie Rental Review: Robo Cop

Though I tend to be suspicious of any remake of great film classics I try to keep an open mind and approach remakes as if it were the first time I was watching it. But that I could not do with Robo Cop.

The original had great thematic elements of man-machine trying to remember its humanity in the modern world, it was indeed a great concept for a movie. But it seems some assholes came in and butchered that American classic with this hideous remake.

The new Robo Cop movie felt like it was a huge TV ad for General Electric telling us how their technology is keeping us safe during an MSNBC break. The black Bill O'Reilly wannabe named Novak was an interesting character I would say though, but it was a huge mismatch to place him into this movie (in fact that would apply to all the characters including now "detective" Murphy). There are way too many things that I can point to in this movie that are definitely out of place and feel totally out of whacked for what the movie suppose to be. The movie was trying to stay true to its 80's nostalgia while trying to appease the hipster sci-fi techy genre of today to only produce a horrendous nightmare that not even Freddy Kruger himself would step in.

There were times in the movie that I just lost interest, in particular when certain cinematic elements tend to look like I'm watching my nephew play Call of Duty on his play station. Because the movie failed to be interesting, believable, and carry a compelling story (though we already know the story the filmmakers should at least try to make it very compelling and believable) I was mainly bored throughout the entire movie.

The writing tended to be cheesy at times and had awkward references to the original which you can either laugh to them or just give a blank stare. The acting was mediocre to say the least, though Samuel L Jackson did bring some refreshing character work into the movie as Novak, every time he showed up I have to keep reminding myself that I am watching a remake of Robo Cop and not Snakes on The Plane (though a horrible movie that it was at least it was somewhat entertaining). And what about Micheal Keaton? Well, what can I say other than its Michael Keaton.

Sorry, but this isn't the Robo Cop we all know and love, this isn't even a movie. Its a total fuck up of the greatest order.

My advice: leave the classics alone and actually come up with original stories or else fuck off.

Memorable line: "Dead or alive you're coming with me."

Recommendation:  I would definitely not rent this movie for a dollar.

Grade: F

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