Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dufus shooting pro-gay marriage sign is not impressive

So here we have Senor Dufus from North Carolina USA shooting at a sign that is opposed to the proposed marriage amendment that would ban gay marriage and any other recognition of same sex-couples.

Does he really think that this is supposed to frighten me? At least intimidate me? Maybe even be impressive?


All he is doing is giving the public the impression that those oppose to gay marriage can only communicate through the use of bullets. This type of approach has landed humanity and its many societies in deep trouble. Instead of sorting things out, especially political things, through civil means like using our mouths to talk it out, people like this guy who result to using the sword rather than the word are people who are rather useless in any debate. We have witnessed in history that guns (swords) and politics don't mix, from assassinations of Julius Cesar to JFK, guns are meant to be used in defending yourself against aggression and not to be used as a political statement.

What he is trying to do, I think, is to get a reaction and to impress us with his masculine grab of his macho gun. Please. Just because I am gay doesn't mean I tremble into a pile of shameful jelly rocks any time I see a gun. Guns don't bother me. Its idiots that ruin what used to be fun things like shooting guns that really make me want to disown humanity.

I too own some guns, and in fact, Senor Pistolero, my gun is bigger than yours. I happen to own (legally) an M16 fully automatic, and yes I am trained to use it. For those gays who don't know what I am talking about, I own a rifle that shoots lots of bullets under a very short period of time:

I use my gun the way it was intended to be used: as a weapon of last resort, and not looking like an idiot shooting signs up to make a political point. I have a mind, I have a mouth, and I have fingers to type with to actually get my point across like a normal human being.

I could also make a video just like Senor Dufus and actually shot A LOT of signs (the anti-gay marriage ones of course) with my gun. But then what's the point? The best man knows not how to use his power but when.

As a law biding gun owner I will never stoop that low, and not even low enough to shoot signs of even the most bigoted campaigns. I know better than that.

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