Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wait a minute! Since when did this Chick-Fil-A thing turned out to be about gay marriage?

In the beginning we were pointing out the fact that Chick-Fil-A was giving millions of dollars to anti-gay organizations. And not just any 'anti-gay organization.' But to organizations like the Family Research Council and Exodus international. FRC is an anti-gay extremist group that farts out stupid fanatical reactionary ideas like criminalizing homosexuality and putting gays in jail. I don't know about you, but that is as anti-gay as you can get. And so every time you go and buy their high calorie charged deep fried chicken sandwich, know that you are contributing to the subjugation of gay human beings as that money goes to these fascist reactionaries who have big dreams and aspirations to put every gay man and woman in prison camps.

So then somehow that all changed when Dan Cathy, the COO of the hideous Chick-Fil-A Inc that helps contribute to these anti-gay and anti-American projects, comes out and addresses marriage as the issue by claiming he is 'guilty as charged' for supporting these groups -- WHY? -- because of marriage.

So now the debate is about gay marriage and not about basic human rights and fighting fascist reactionary rhetoric of putting gays into concentration camps. By doing so, Cathy is now painting himself as the 'victim' of the 'homofascists' who hate marriage. With that in mind it will be a lot harder to convince people about the company's total and complete animus against gay people, not just gay marriage. You see, people for now find it acceptable to 'disagree' on gay marriage based on principle, especially one based on the all mighty bible, but what is not up for debate (at least in normal human discussion) is whether or not gay people should face criminal prosecution for being gay. That is just isn't acceptable, even for the most conservative politician and talking head.

Being that the debate and discussion has quickly changed over night, Chick-Fil-A is now quickly becoming a right wing conservative martyr for the cause of 'preserving marriage' (aka denying it to gay couples). We are no longer focused on the outright violation of human dignity this company made by giving such donations to groups who want gays all behind bars and face cruel punishments, but now it has turned into a debate that shouldn't have: does a company have a right to oppose gay marriage? This is no longer a discussion of freedom vs oppression but now about gay marriage proponents vs gay marriage opponents, and we all know what the tactics of the opponents are - diminish the credibility of gays and make us look like the bad guys when in fact all we want is the same economic rights that others have. But trying to get hardcore Chick-Fil-A fanatics to listen to us is becoming quite difficult now, most of these people seems to me can't even find their own state on the map let alone understand the complexities of human sexuality. To a lot of them Chick-Fil-A is just another good and honest 'Christian' company that 'supports marriage.' End of debate. And they will not care about the real issue here: Chick-Fil-A supports groups who want to persecute gays and throw them into a black hole and throw away the key. This portion is now silenced.

Dan Cathy is now doing his rounds, making himself look like he's just a nice guy with an honest 'opinion on marriage.'

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