Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Your anus was not meant to have a penis in it

This is what some idiot told me regarding my attack on the supposed "natural law" argument against gay marriage. But the stated ignorant and juvenile statement is more of a target against homosexuality itself than marriage. This is why I'm very reluctant to believe that the majority of gay marriage opponents are "only" concerned over the "definition of marriage."

As always, why would my smart-enough audience even take this dumb argument seriously any how? The purpose of my attack on "natural law" is to simply expose it as a mere human construct (and there is nothing wrong with human constructs per se), and a fragile attempt to understand the world around us. Thinking it through, you can say that reasoned intelligence is in fact against natural law being that it doesn't exist anywhere else in our natural world but in humans. The logic behind these dupes of the new religion of mother nature worship is simply flawed, contradictory and, plainly, dead on arrival.

Simply saying that anal sex is contrary to "natural law" because it defies its "natural purpose" does not make it a "law" because you say so, but rather a mere opinion. Nature doesn't need laws. Anti-gays have a really misguided view on nature. Nature is pretty neutral on what it does and doesn't do. Nature does many things because it can. It doesn't do things, like hurricanes and diseases, because it finds them "moral" (and if one were to take the argument that everything in nature is "moral" and should be venerated, then I guess people dying in earthquakes should be considered "nature's will" and therefore holy and good). Things like earthquakes and hurricanes exist in nature because nature allows them to exist.

And just because something is "allowed" in nature doesn't necessarily mean they are "moral" or "just." Heterosexual sex is no more or less natural than homosexual sex simply because nature has indeed "allowed" them to exist, but humans can and do from time to time exhibit certain moral judgements of these sexual acts and behaviors. If you want to oppose gay marriage or homosexuality, fine go for it and knock your socks off. But don't act like you know god and have a full understanding of nature.

If you are offended that I just burst your "natural law" bubble, well, sorry. I cannot accept some theory like this that is totally and absolutely made up and contradictory because this theory exists nowhere in any other animal but humans' minds and imagination. To actually apply natural law theory on every aspect of our lives would be a world of stupidity, and ironically, will make us all naked hippies smoking pot and living in the forest. You cannot with a straight face tell me that putting a penis inside my anus is not natural because the anus was not meant for that while reciting scripture from a book called a bible that was printed on paper which in turn was made by trees, and trees... well, think about it: Were trees actually "meant" to be manufactured into printing paper for bibles across America? Doesn't this defy the "natural purpose" of the tree?

And besides, the asshole (no pun intended) who proposed the phrase and title of this post was over 50 years old. Clearly, according to doctors, by that age you need to have a colonoscopy done. And since this dufus believes that your anus is an "exit only" muscle designed only for shit to pass through and nothing else, he may have to forgo this important life saving procedure, unless he recants and says that the anus is a hole that can have things go through in either direction, including medical equipment to check for cancer and penises to show your love for your partner. Being cancer free and making love are very important things to many people and not to "nature."

In the end this quack theory does one thing I highly despise: it dehumanizes all of us to the basic rules of the jungle, animalistic common denominator. I am not an animal, though we might have physical similarities to animals, we are something special and, quite frankly, supernatural. You don't see animals flying planes, building highways and trains, and going to the moon. We've beaten the limitations of the fictitious theory of "Natural Law." I find reason, logic, science, philosophy, to be much more human than just eating, breathing, drinking, fucking, and shitting.

Next theory please...

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