Saturday, June 1, 2013

What's wrong with blaming blacks for their slaughter on Illinois gay marriage bill?

Is it racist? Is it taboo? Is it the hypocrisy that dare not speak its name?

Please, give me a damn break.

Black people wanted equality, so why can't we blame all who are equally as responsible for the downfall of gay marriage in Illinois?

The radical do-nothings of the Left are as bad as the teabaggers if not worse. Their mode of operation is treachery, lies, deceit, and fraud.

We were promised a vote on giving green cards to bi-national couples in the up coming immigration reform bill, yet the Left were so eager to stab gays in the back and voted with the reactionary bigoted fascistoid teabaggers of the Republican Party instead. And the Left had the audacity to demand that gays step aside and to let illegal immigrants cut in line in front of them even though most gays seeking this right are obeying the law.

And so we have Illinois democrats who shamefully showed us yet again the true treacherous nature of their innate borderline lunatic dysfunction. They demand to be known for their "support" for "equality" yet when it came down to it they actually, as by unintelligent design, voted against the gay community last night. But heck, not a problem. There are plenty of pussy gay activists out there ready to excuse this failure and shield those who are in no doubt responsible for this failure, especially if they happen to be black.

Martin Luther King said that we should not judge blacks based on their color but based on their actions. But yet we are denied that basic equalizer.

As a Mexican I been giving my people heat whenever they fall into the homophobe dungeon. I yell at them and poke them until they learn that what they are doing is completely wrong. And it works. Its actually beginning to work with regard to immigration reform, as some Mexican activists are seeing that brushing gays aside is not going to help their cause one bit, but will end up doing the opposite effect.

We have already called out Latinos, Asians (remember the OC Tet parade fiasco), Irish, Catholics, Cubans, all of these groups have responded positively to the error of their ways. We call out white Evangelicals and teabaggers, all of whom continue to hate gays. Oh well.

But the slide of hand that is being played against the gay community by the Black Caucus in Illinois is just so pathetic. The blacks want it both ways. They want to be viewed as "progressives" yet satisfy their inner hunger to bash gays for their sinful and satanic ways. And what is worse is that calling these people out is now considered "racist" - why? Because they are black, that's why.

Calling out Mexicans, white teabaggers, Asians, Cubans, Latinos, is considered not as offensive, but most of the time encouraged. But blacks... they are a special kind of race. They are still living under their own self imposed Jim Crow of the 21st century. They are so detached from reality and the rest of society that they refuse to come out of their little afro-bubble and assume responsibility like real men who actually feel equal to anybody else. The childish pseudo-hyper masculinity in black culture is nothing but a rejection of equality, as well as a rejection by black men to take responsibility for what they do to others. Not only one must claim equality, one must also act upon it, assimilate with the rest of society on basic principles, and assume all the privileges and responsibility that comes with being equal to others, because once you are on the same footing with someone else you are no more special than them. 

We are not calling out blacks because we like to pick on them. We are calling them out because they are making a really big mistake in thinking that denying gay people their due equal rights will not come back and bite them in their black asses. It will. And I am calling them out so as to save them from future embarrassment.

So how can trying to save blacks form their own mistakes be at all "racist?"

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