Friday, June 13, 2014

'I'm largely Libertarian, But I want gays stoned to death'

That is what this teabagger libertarian running for the Oklahoma state legislature said about gays. But then it is interesting to note that it was another libertarian, Adam Bates, who (unwillingly) exposed him as a fascist homicidal prick that he is. Bates is somewhat disappointed on the fact that there are teabaggers and libertarians that are actually fascists by trade. He then tries to convince himself and everybody else that stoning gays to death is not libertarian:
"Mr. Esk’s comments speak for themselves, and I have no desire to rehash the outrage I felt at the time or to regurgitate the ubiquitous anger with which people have responded to the story. In fact, I believe the justifiably hyperventilated response to his comments is clouding a much more important issue than the insane beliefs of a fringe candidate in an Oklahoma House race: that Mr. Esk has identified himself as a libertarian while advocating for the most brutal violations of individual rights. This is far too common in liberty circles, and evinces a failure on our part as libertarians to distance ourselves from these attitudes and the people who espouse them. Opponents of libertarianism certainly can’t be expected to make the distinctions on our behalf, and so we must make it for them."
Let's be blunt about libertarianism as a former libertarian myself who like Bates was duped into believing this anti-American foreign doctrine (imported from Europe, namely the city of London, Austria, Bavaria) and say that it is totally impossible to separate libertarianism and people stoning gays to death.

Libertarianism was born out of the southern German areas during the Holy Roman Empire period when knights and lords each had their own land that was considered his own country in which he can impose his will and do whatever he wanted on it. Needless to say this lead to chaos as you had thousands of mini micro states all warring with each other in a huge collage mess that has lead to today's so called liberty movement or classical liberalism or as the Rockefellers and other plutocrats call it "the libertarian" movement (just to make it sound classy) and has now recently morphed to its original roots from the Holy Roman Empire where every person is his own country and can impose their own laws as they see fit, whether holy or secular or whatever.

Libertarianism entails the destruction of the modern state just like in the Holy Empire which lead to its demise as a failed state filled with mini-Hitlers and thus out of it was born the modern Nazi/fascist movement of "I do whatever I want" whether that is taking countries or exterminating Jews to suit the Libertarian program of Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest) and ever since 2010 they have now called themselves "teabaggers." In America the libertarian propagandists were people like the Mormon Church, the KKK, Rockerfeller family, Peter Theil, George Soros, Barry Goldwater, Locke, Koch Bros., John Birch Society, Paul Ryan, among others and they were able to use the media and their endless pocket books to actually convince the people that this country is libertarian and that they themselves are libertarians, and that the solutions to their problems is to have less solutions. This is a totally bad hoax as we all know that libertarianism or Teabaggerism was introduced in America in the 1960's as a response to the Civil Rights Act and the New Deal that helped America escape the depression caused by these same libertarians.

And so what does this have to do with stoning homos to death you might ask? Well everything. Teabaggers or "libertarians" (the PC label now used) seek to end the role of government in our lives or in other words end the modern state as we know it. That means that people should be allowed to do whatever they like just like the good ole days of The Holy Roman Empire. Libertarianism has no moral authority other than allowing its adherents to follow their own without consequences. It allows for those with the means to do so to buy up power and restrict a rump government (ie small government) to benefit and protect their prestige and power.

Yes, libertarianism has severe consequences and many dupes who follow it actually believe that libertarianism does not impose any consequences at all. Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Libertarianism makes us go against Social Security pensions, public health, public education, public works, public nutrition - which if any of these are taken away like how the libertarians want there will be consequences: you will have an unhealthy, dumb, backwards country where the mortality rate will exceed that of North Korea. These actions are in fact fascist because taking away the only few vehicles of an entire mass of people which has helped empower their lives and to therefore limit their mobility is something only a fascist would do.

So stoning gays is not far fetched for libertarians since they do not care about consequences and how their actions would affect others because of their delusional train of thought that they themselves exist in a vacuum and anything outside that vacuum can be rightfully ignored, extinguished and discredited (hence the xenophobia). But you might see libertarians including the libertarian party supporting gay marriage... Well duh, they believe each person is a country and you can do whatever you want based on your own beliefs and creed, and the sound of that might be attractive to gays but we must understand that libertarianism does not, cannot hold any type of moral judgement since that is the exclusive right of individuals only. And so as your own country you might be able to marry your gay boyfriend, but then what is stopping Cleatus from coming to your wedding and throw some stones at you instead of rice? Under libertarianism you have a right to do stuff that Cleatus finds horrible, like getting gay married, and Cleatus has a right to do stuff you find horrible, like stoning you to death. And we already see this in action as libertarians come to the rescue of bigoted business owners who offer public accommodations and support their right to directly discriminate against gays while claiming that gays have a right to butsecks.

Stoning gays to death is a right because it is a sincere religious belief of many bigots (which would have been legal in Arizona) and libertarianism offers no mechanism upon which to stop that from happening since the right to act has a higher priority than the right to staying alive (hence why they are opposed to government welfare) and, of course, public safety and welfare are something libertarians despise with great hate and under their premise of Social Darwinism gays would have to defend themselves (ie guns!) and would be allowed to defend their own self-appointed countries from Cletus who wouldn't mind a little tribal war against gays (since he's doing it for Jesus and all). You cannot stop a religious person from stoning gays because he is only obeying his own rules and law given to him by god and libertarians are huge fans of religious liberty. The gay person might end up dead but the death of a gay person was something that needed to be done due to the fact that a "sovereign individual" had the desire to act out his own beliefs and religious creed per the Bible under his own rules and law that Libertarianism guarantees. Libertarians might counter this point by saying that a religious person cannot do things that affect others, but that is not what libertarianism actually is and they only want to spin this in a certain way so as to distract from the actual premise of what it means to live in a real libertarian world. Libertarianism, as it is right now, holds that they are only opposed to government action (not actions by private "sovereign" individuals) and that everything the government does is pitiful and so the only way to fight crime is to own guns (not have a police force or a "police state" as they call it), and so the only way to protect ourselves from religious stone throwing zealots is not by law, police or courts (those are government institution) but by tribal warfare and gun fights. And if a couple of gays do end up stoned to death oh well, that is the nature of the beast (or survival of the fittest) and libertarians would then claim that it was the dead gays' fault for not fighting better or not having the proper guns.

So it isn't unusual to see many bigots who wish they can execute gays become or are libertarian. Libertarianism is very attractive to their ears because it gives them the license to act out their bigotry against homosexuals, just like they can act out their bigotry against the poor, women, blacks and the modern state's government, its rules and laws, and anything outside their bubble. I myself have been a witness to this libertarian bigotry. And I was even lectured by libertarians that it isn't bigotry to be a bigot against gays, blacks or what have you, it is "personal liberty" (or sometimes "freedom of speech").

So we shouldn't be surprised when a teabagger, libertarian, freedom fighter, constitutionalist, or whatever it is they call themselves these days, actually take off their clothes and are ironically exposed as fascist, such irony is their nature.

Anybody that is falling for the Libertarian propaganda are cautioned that they need to check the other side of this ugly coin and wake the fuck up and realize that libertarianism is nothing but a scam propagated by the super rich who want to destroy the modern state in order to maintain their privileged position of power.

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