Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Oklahoma teabagger candidate says its okay to stone gay people to death

No this isn't a satire post. Though as bizarre as you might believe teabaggers might get this isn't anything new. Remember we've had a Ron Paul teabagger also advocating the death penalty for us fags (but not stoning, probably through injecting your veins with Clorox).

Scott Esk is running for the state legislature in Oklahoma as a republican foaming at the mouth teabagger. His main issues are: fetuses staying alive, wives being loyal to their husbands, stopping beaners from crossing over the border and somehow landing in Oklahoma, controlling a woman's cooch, making sure the sick rift-raft don't get healthcare and other so great teabaggy programs that Oklahomans are just dying to implement, unlike trying to improve education, healthcare, public works, the economy... I mean who needs that right?

But what else is this god's gift to the enlightened age has to offer... oh how about this:
Morris said, “This guy posted on Facebook that homosexuals should be stoned to death. My first response was you’re nuts, nobody would be stupid enough to do that.” 
Morris says he found those postings from last summer on Facebook. 
At the time, Esk had commented on a story about the pope saying “Who am I to judge?” on homosexuality. 
Esk posted some old testament scripture that referred to homosexuality being punished.
Someone asked – “So just to be clear, you think we should execute homosexuals (presumably by stoning)?”
Esk responds – “I think we would be totally in the right to do it. That goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.”
There you have it. And we thought only raging Jihadis like the Sultan of Brunei were interested in stoning gays. It looks like the Taliban has officially arrived in America as the GOP tries to "re-brand" its image:

(PS - I will be addressing this whole libertarian business later)

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