Saturday, June 21, 2014

Totally delusional, narcissistic, lunatic, quackery at NOM's #March4Marriage Straight Klan Rally

The bigots gathered (though in small numbers) and crawled out of their caves or holes (take your pick) to show how awesome it is to have heterosexual privilege at their March 4 Marriage Klan rally for breeders.

Ignoring the Groucho Marx sounding voice from their "great leader" of the teabagger bowel movement telling them to "stop chasing genitalia," these bigoted little toads croaked out loud about how great their genitalia is working to breed the human race and hence how we must stop the evil faggots from getting married. Yes because if we do not stop these pesky homosexual sinners from getting married we will oppress these bigots' dream of a boring heterosexualist society (and believe me straight guys and gals, this is what they have in mind for you).

Though they cry and play small violins in order to convince us they are not fag bashing, they are just "standing up for marriage." This is the classic "lets lift our status up in order to oppress the other" trick used during the racist periods of our country when white men bashed blacks and other people of color by saying how great it is to be white. "We are not racist, we just support the white race" was the once prevailing motto of teabaggers of the past (and even some still say this in this day in age).

Though we homos have our gay parades and pride celebrating how its "okay to be gay" we do not say that being gay is better than being straight. We do not hold rallies demanding that straight marriage be extinguished in order to preserve our homo-privilege. So trying to compare (as I have seen) gay prides to this pathetic and unexciting (and in some cases disturbing) NOM rally in Washington DC is just so contorted and is just plain bullshit. We gays do not feel threatened by the existence of heterosexuals, (in fact many of us find straight men to be intriguing) in comparison these bigots get their panties in a twist and feel that America will fall into chaos and disarray every time a homo sucks a cock.

They are so threatened by butsecks that they have to of course hold a heterosexual Klan rally of paranoid, lunatic, narcissistic, fascistic misfits ranting and raving (sometimes even in tongues). It is like having a nightmare of a 'ex-gay' exorcism after eating too much Chinese food while listening to Glenn Beck.

Here we have the fat ass Huckster who rolled into DC from the swamps of Arkansas blathering on about "god's judgement" and fear-mongering that gay marriage would make God super freaking mad:

Next we have some senile black pastor token telling people to discriminate against gays even if it means "going to jail" because that's what he eventually learned after being a supposed civil rights movement activist (although I never heard of this hack) fighting against discrimination:

Then we have the petulant voice of a whinny Kermit the Frog (though the real Kermit is much more cooler) who likes to reinvent American history and case law to get the amazing crowd of 30 or so churchy blue hairs all pumped up:

Here is a fire and brimstone "reverend" that somehow found Doc's DeLorean in 1955 and came to the year 2014 to bug the fuck out of us:

And of course they got the raging lunatic Pentecostal wannabe New York senator Ruben Diaz who spoke in tongues like a true fascist with a cowboy hat who made all the supposed "Hispanics" in the huge crowd of 30 or so respond (mainly just white blue hairs who by grace of God got the Hispanic spirit in them when this loudmouth came to the podium). Let us be clear, Diaz does not represent Hispanics or Latinos or whatever. In fact he is a Dominican reactionary Pentecostal minister and as such he only represents (and who the fuck appointed him to represent anybody?) a very very very small minority of Hispanics/Latinos in the this country being that the overwhelming majority of them are in fact Mexican and Catholic who usually support gay marriage and find this guy to be totally fucked up out of his mind. Remember this is a guy who performed exorcisms on his wife in his basement to keep her in line. Oh, and be on the look out for those nasty homosexual demons roaming the Schools of New York City too, I know you might be saying WTF? but that is what Diaz is warning us about so how the fuck should I know:

And since this "rally" of sorts is taking place in Washington a teabagger congressman from the do nothing Congress took time off his very busy schedule of doing nothing to vent about how great his wife's pussy is and that "real men" do not support gay marriage and they subjugate women. Really?  "Real men?" You got to be kidding me, because all we've seen so far is a parade of whinny little cunts complaining about having to bake a damn wedding cake for gay couples. So, boooo: 

And of course this is a NOM heterosexual Klan rally supporting pussy fucking and it cannot be complete without the delusional rantings of a mad man in denial who helped started all, Brian "Charlie" Brown:

And there you have it.

Another year another episode of dumb fucks yelling into the vacuum of space where nobody can hear them as we and modern society carry on.

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