Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hannity defends Adrian Peterson abusing his kid with anti-gay rant

Catholic fascist hatemonger The Walbanger (aka Sean Hannity) was on his fledgling radio show whining about how fascists like him can no longer abuse and manipulate their children.

It is the responsibility of any parent to discipline their kids and to ensure they become good citizens of society, but brainwashing them, and in particular abusing them, well that is a whole other thing.

Walbanger was ranting about how The Vikings felon Adrian Peterson, who is being indicted for child abuse after he beat up his banbino with a switch causing bleeding and injury, is being judged and that parents can do whatever they want to a child (would that include molestation one wonders). Funny that Walbanger and people like him would say that fetuses are "persons" that merit respect but yet once they are born they become slaves to their parents and less then a "person."

And Walbanger took this opportunity to propagandize Catholic fascism and said that he fears that going after child abusers would lead to Catholic fascist parents like him not being able to tell their kids that "being gay is not normal."

One only can only assume he doesn't mean actually "beating the gay out" of the child. But we are dealing with Catholic fascists who are prone to be abusive against their wives and children.

Yet it is Catholic fascists like Walbanger who foam at the mouth when parents says its okay that their kids read a pro-gay book or are gay as well. Walbanger and company would scream "child abuse" on Faux Noise and proclaim that the earth will now implode as the "homosexual agenda" is creeping into the schools and homes.

And don't forget, these are the same fascists that go into a rage whenever a parent decides to embrace a transgender child's gender identity.

This whole bit that parents have a right to raise their kids as they see fit is bullshit coming from fascists who all they do all day is condemn parents who raise their children in a way these fascists disagree with.

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