Monday, March 4, 2013

Obama Presides Over First Cabinet Meeting And Tells Everybody to Get Ready For His Satan Sandwich

Obama had his first meeting of his second term with his cabinet by reminding everybody of the pending doom of his satan sandwich compromise he made with the fascist teabaggers in the form of a sequester.

During a depression the government cannot, or should not, cut spending and shrink productivity. Such sequestration is detrimental to any recovery and could push us into another recession during this current depression. These massive cuts will in the end increase the deficit and the debt-ratio on our GDP. Obama should know this, but because he's too weak and he's in the pockets of big business and wall street and the federal reserve he had to capitulate to the fascist teabagger maniacs of the house republicans.

The Obama deception is pretty clear: provide left cover so he can impose European style austerity on the country. We need to invest in the economy and move from a petty cheap economy to a technological one that can increase productivity, wages, tax revenues which will shrink the deficit and debt.

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