Monday, March 4, 2013

Teabaggers in The House Want to Protect Religious Freedom by Banning Religious Freedom

Get it? I don't.

But yet, here we go again. Last week proto-fascist teabaggers introduce in the house once more a bill that would ban military chaplains from officiating at gay weddings (not marriages because DOMA already does that) on military installations. Reason? Religious freedom of course!

This twisting of reality to try and weasel in an anti-gay bill by ironically trying to defend the "religious freedom" of military personnel gave me a chuckle.

By the way, where the hell did they get this idea of "religious freedom?"

Teabagger answer: "Fram dem constushion man!"

But yet let us recall that in the past these same Orwellian teabgger lunatics were defending the ouster of loyal gay service members under the guise that soldiers "did not have a constitutional right to free speech," and that they were supposed to "focus on the job and not on sexuality." Well, the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell went without a hitch and now nobody has to worry about their sexuality, basically declaring it a non-issue.

But these perverted teabaggers are obsessed with gay sex and homosexuality, ironically. Now they are the ones "sexuallizing the military" by bringing this issue up again front and center (and shoving it down my throat if I may add). The first sentence of the bill that these fucknuts are proposing makes reference to gay butt sex. Doth protest too much?

These gay sex obsessed toe-tapping pervs need to answer this question for me: Yes or No, do soldiers have constitutional rights (like the first amendment that you so loudly defend in your pathetic bill), or are sodomites the only ones that are excluded from such rights and therefore we must ban them from exercising their freedom of speech by acting out a holy wedding and exchanging their vows on base?

You can't have it both ways. Unless you are a fascist teabagger in Congress of course.

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